A Demographic Bait – A half-hearted criticism of a Play in the Making

Life of an English elite is always celebrated throughout, at the backdrop of the English countryside in various streams of literary works, often times exemplifying characters and their emotional facets, leadership qualities, emotional quotients and very rarely in a retiree’s melancholy.

Now is an opportunity to explore one, especially when one condescends the transitory nature of world politics, where with an acute appreciation lies the Anglican real public whenever they are informed of unification attempts of the North American Empire on one side, where on the other side renowned role models of the crown’s political leadership resort to blame games, inter-continental politics in reality rendering some of English elites jobless and many of the others clueless.

While analysing the utopian play, A Demographic Bait, one is always inspired to find out the invisible dots that connect the lives of average (North) Americans, enjoying 2 square meals a day to find the daily earnings spread thin for a daily stay at a cosy and comfortable inn.

But in this (short) anecdote, since we are talking about a fallen angel from political stardom in North America, we try to paint a form of criticism based on the utopian play theme, A Demographic Bait and try to picture the character by exemplifying the life of an English Elite from British North America where the subject transforms his own life from a hefty political disorder to leading an average North American life in blues and under the rainbow banner.

But one cannot always assume that these Satirical anecdotes working to formalize a play, may not end up in, political sensationalism, even though it addresses privileges and perceptions in powerful Acts, a natural biproduct of formalizations in a play, even when the utopian play theme is titled, A Demographic Bait.

Had it been that the characters were from British North America faring the intolerable acts of the Quebec province, modest revivals could have been attempted as was what was supposed to be in Izaak Walton's work which may be The Compleat Angler or the limitless bounties during those days, where there was some promise that it was supposed to end up in creating a complete assortment of activities, including activities for writing, singing, dancing and the play!

But introspecting the content, one is made to think in the other way.

While introspecting more the contents of the play, A Demographic Bait, one goes adamantly vicious in revealing the structure of the hopeless ethnical vote markets in North America that inherently wishes a rescue attempt of the hopeless apolitical characters who are seeking an exit from active politicism by sparing nobody including Pirates in the Caribbean to the trading American Indian in the Reservation areas because a causation felt political apathy at the expense of a third world idealism.

Third class schematics were also drawn not at all to attract eagles and vultures but to draw adherence to the genre of apolitical hatred that was released in instalments to sympathize the conclusion of the section, Homeland Confederations.

When asked, what in the world a confederation has, the quick wit replies and takes out the fear of fireman and cops, while attempting the norm calls and the dress code of night life participation and how to adeptly master, the skills of going along with a bunch of losers in real life.

This no doubt has left the concurring English man in a North American political setup feel a state of political freedom, now wants to resign and retire in a lucid green landscape by waving the sign of peace and tranquillity in lush meadows and who knows might have also wanted participation in an underwater expedition.?

Agreed, most of the English elites’ resort to the jobless markets of Animal Control, Underwater navigation, Gun Control, and the Casino Business as a last resort, but some at the behest of political stardom feeling quite let down now attempt an aspiring call to all these activities is at the same time a namesake loss to inter-continental politics and a call-in for the competence of many leading a peaceful retiree’s life.

In plain words, (British) North America is where the English leads a retired life and it is not a place where there is a heavy demand for high labour and skilled work, as most others think.? It is retiree’s paradise.

Noting this, it is also a fact that any demographic activity does not ideally reflect this to have considered the entire North American empire to be a labour powerhouse.?

And in essence, the usage of Demographic data is never to be used as a bait is a very commonplace knowledge.

So, adios, bravo and fringe benefactor for being a cheerful party wig, and let us hope your literary work, A Demographic Bait cheer up countless leaders and sprout bountiful envy upon cheerless larks.


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