Democrats vs Democrats, Republicans vs Republicans
Jabs and Uppercuts in Congress?

Democrats vs Democrats, Republicans vs Republicans

This week we all got to watch the disintegration of both the political parties at the same time. The Democrats aren't happy with how old and feeble Biden is as well as how stupid and feeble Kamala is. The Republicans aren't happy with their leadership dragging their feet on the promises they made to get in power. Chaos in the countryside! How can this be? Let's see if we can separate the wheat from the chaff or at least, the horseshit from the dogshit.

Democrats Scramble

Biden is too old. There's just no more denying it. Falling down, saying stupid stuff, acting like an octogenarian in every way and all on camera. Democrats don't want you to believe your eyes; they want you to believe their lies. But even their lies aren't holding water any longer. Lies about Biden's involvement in his son's extortion ring. Lies about having classified documents he wasn't entitled to have. Lies about his own personal history that have been lost in the fog of Alzheimer's and dementia. The lies just keep on coming and being exposed and the left media just act like nothing has happened. The "head up your ass" approach will work for a period of time but eventually, you're gonna have to pull your head out of your ass and take a look around at the real world. Or maybe not, if you're from Oregon.

Republicans Ramble

Speaker McCarthy made some promises to his constituents in order to get the job of Speaker of the House of Representatives. So far, he's kept only one of his promises ... to go after Hunter Biden. The rest of his commitments seem to have fallen to the wayside. Gee whiz, a politician that lies ... how unusual. But this politician didn't just lie to the American people, he lied to his fellow politicians, and now they are circling around him like hungry sharks before a feeding frenzy. You see, politicians don't care about lying to the people they represent, they do that all the time. It's what they have to do to receive all the benefits they get when they are elected. But lying to another politician is a big no-no. Politicians make deals. Politicians make deals you and I never know about. Reference the Compromise of 1877. But when it comes to making deals with fellow liars, politicians expect to be treated differently. So, when Speaker McCarthy made the deal, he made the promises to go along with the deal and now he is being held to account by his own minions. McCarthy doesn't like that. Not one bit.

Infighting Increases

As the media feeds on the divisiveness, the level of rancor only increases. The beneficiary of all this turmoil is, of course, Biden. The spotlight is off of him while the kids in the House and Senate berate, deflate, and negate their duties as representatives of the people. They seem to have forgotten why they are in Washington in the first place. The economy is in shambles, the southern border is non-existent, crime is so prevalent it has become a standard of living adjustment, China and Russia are acting up, and all our vaunted Congressional members are busy pointing fingers, calling names, and acting like a bunch of rowdy fifth graders on a field trip.

Opportunity Knocks

Chaos creates opportunity. Maybe this is a good time for a third political party to come forth. Maybe we need a political party devoted to common sense and the common good. Maybe the time is ripe for the worst thing to ever happen to the Republicans and Democrats. The creation of a third political party. I've been advocating for this for a long time. In my opinion, the Republicans and Democrats have a really cozy deal. They know that if one of them is elected to office, the other will eventually end up there before it reverts back to the original party. That's the deal. There's no escape for the American voters. You're either in one camp or the other and that suits them right down to the ground. With only two choices, they're confident they will continue to exist forever. Unless there is a third alternative. Then the future doesn't look so bright. A third party throws a monkey wrench into the works. With the advent of a third party, suddenly the Red and Blue start to turn Purple! They can't imagine a world where someone else might offer voters an alternative to their extreme views and bizarre application of taxpayer money.

Giddy-up, Cowboy!

Chaos also creates clarity. That may seem antithetically incorrect, but I think it is true. While observing the confrontational machinations of the two parties, one can clearly see that they don't have a clue what they are doing or why. What they are doing is hanging their dirty laundry out in public for all to see. The upheaval and discord are clear to anyone watching. What they're doing is trying to protect themselves whilst trying to skewer the other party. Except, at the moment, they're busy skewering each other. If ever there was a time to attack; that time is now. Sun-Tzu teaches us that when the enemy is in upheaval, the time to attack is upon you. Take advantage of the enemy's confusion. There is an ancient toast that goes "confusion to the enemy" and that's exactly what a third party would encounter right now. Confusion amongst its enemies. Why not head 'em off at the pass and prevent them from further destruction of the nation?

You know you want it!

You know what you want. I know what I want. I want calm. I want accountability. I want my country to quit being dismantled and start being rebuilt. I want food prices lower. I want gas prices lower. I want to stop sending money to foreign countries and start spending that money in America. I want a government with a balanced budget, not a deficit that just keeps growing and growing and growing. I want reparations paid by China for causing the Covid pandemic. I want prosecutors that prosecute, judges that judge and criminals to go to jail for their crimes. I want to send a clear and unmistakable message to Russia and China that if they invade another country, we're not going to sit on our hands, we're going to fight them with everything we have. I want to be the biggest, baddest, and most feared nation on this planet. PERIOD! There are a few other things I'd like, but they can wait for now. But not for long!


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