Democrats Play Partisan Games With The Lives of our Heroes
The following is my email to one of my closest Houston Veteran Supporters and friends. Who like so many Politicians think they can be on record throughout most of their careers voicing their support and desire to facilitate the needs of our Heroes but when it comes to key votes in Congress on major Veteran Legislation, which is true for both sides of the Aisle, they will vote on the basis of the wording that supports their Party's current party line which can mean that they may not always hold true to their words that they espouse back in their District and instead feel it's necessary to be Partisan rather than vote their conscious on measures that ultimately could benefit the needs of all our Veterans.
The GETI Group is in league with Concerned Veterans of America, and we need you to call, email, and visit the local offices of your US Senators over the August recess and demand they support the VA Accountability Act (S.1082). Find out who your senators are, where their offices are, and how you can advocate for the VA Accountability Act by going to......
Remember all your voices are necessary if our Heroes are to finally receive the level care they have earned and deserve. We can not attain these objectives without our your voice and participation.
Morning Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee,
On behalf of all Veterans I wanted you to know how disappointed the GETI Group is with your actions and those of our entire Texas Democratic Representatives on the House floor today. You all voted NAY to the passage of H.R. 1994 (
All Democrats, save 16, caved into the President's and the Federal Civil Service Union's desire to defeat this very key and important Veteran measure to finally force accountability throughout the VA by allowing yourself to be played into typical Partisan Politics which does run counter in this case to the best interests of all Veterans.
As you know and as expressed in my many writings and speeches on the major Veteran Transitional Concerns, the GETI Group views H.R. 1994 and now S.1082 in the Senate as a pathway to finally hold the VA responsive to our vast needs of all our Veterans. That in doing so VA employee actions must translate into real measurable actions that actually accomplish those objectives and if not then like any private sector employee who cannot perform their duties they are let go and Federal Employees should be held to no different standards. Which is why we look to hold our elected members accountable to attain these measures on our behalf to protect Veterans from the on-going abuse and incompetence that is directly relational to the 25 Daily Veteran Suicides.
However, you like all our Texas House Democrats say for one Democrat who believes in his principles first not Party, Filemon Vela (Tx 34 th), Voted Nay today on H.R. 1994. Though it passed and is now sent over to the Senate to be merged with S.1082 that is not the point. This measure was / is in the best interests to streamlining the VA's responsiveness to the needs of our Veterans that the Civil Service Unions are currently standing in the way of allowing to occur.
What part of your Chief of Staff Glenn Rushing's comments of support for all that is the GETI Group's objectives at our recent Houston Veteran Transitional Conference ( statements that were recorded, distributed nationwide and are not counterintuitive to what the GETI Group stands for by casting your Vote against H.R. 1994.
Pathways which the GETI Group seeks to portray as Unified Veteran Transitional Pathways that are neither Blue nor Red but are simply RED White and Blue (Americans As ONE - Houston As One) is not clearly understood by the Democratic Party. You all can longer have your cake and eat too.
Congresswoman, I (we) cherish our relationship but as I have told all representing Texas and as I have posted nationally the GETI Group will be launching in the next 60 days its Veteran TV Network's Reality Series "DC Under the Microscope" in which each members record and speeches will be captured as it pertains to Veteran related Legislative initiatives such as H.R.1994 and S.1082 and published for all Veterans to review and determine does this Representative best represent the interests of Veterans? If not then it may be it's time for a change to someone who does.
It can longer be assumed that by just espousing support and you statements that you feel our pain can excuse your (every House / Senate Representative) Congressional Voting Records on key Veteran Legislation that is not in the affirmative for all Veterans to review and make up their own minds as to whether you or their Representative deserves and as earned the Veteran Vote in the upcoming Elections in November and again in 2016.
Remember Veterans are no longer going to buy into just Member's words of support and acknowledgement alone. Your Voting record as it relates to actual Veteran Legislation passage and how it impacts our lives and ability to attain the services we have earned and deserve will become the overriding determining factor for Congressional retention which is of course is the way all voters should decide who is retained to serve our interests or not. GETI VTV will soon provide the electorate with these tools to make those educated decisions rather than on emotions or just party affiliation.
I hope you can and will begin voting your real conscious that I know exists and stop the senseless partisan posturing that in the end fails to serve the needs of every Veteran; and especially in this current atmosphere and belief by most Veterans that certain elements of Congress really could care less about our needs and what we have sacrificed in the name of all Americans.
It is of course all elected officials choice at the end of the day in how they vote but soon because of VTV you all will no longer be allowed to hide your real feelings nor mislead your Veteran Constituents by just voicing what you all think we want to hear. Actions do speak Louder than words.
Warmest Regards,
Len Swanson, CEO - The GETI Group, USAF Vietnam Veteran
This email is addressed to every Democrat who voted against H.R. 1994 This Post is also a declaration to all elected Congressional Officials that your record and visibility as how it relates to facilitating Veterans to finally obtain the kind of assistance that heretofore has been lacking and is precluding most from successfully transitioning to be the productive member of their local communities that we all desire to be, your record will be made available for all your constituents to view and decide whether to retain your services or not this November and for others in 2016. It is not just holding the VA Accountable at the end of the day it is also holding our Elected Officials Accountable as well. NO More Band-Aid Resolutions will be acceptable either.
......"with the Passage of H.R. 3236 this past week, this Legislation once more did not go far enough with what we in the trenches know what the Choice Care Act should be mandated to provide NOW for Veterans and not next year (2016).
You all gave Secretary McDonald until Nov 1st to reply with his new proposed action plans as to "How To" execute the Choice Care Act appropriately which by the way the VA has yet to execute to date the original Choice Care Act 2014 appropriately (REALLY if the VA didn't have a clue since last year with the same genius team what's the probability to receive anything different and more enlightened in execution?).
Trust me and as the GETI Group recently discussed at its July 17th Houston Conference (which the VA was invited to but was a NO SHOW) We demonstrated that are Houston Collaborative does have the pathways that could be properly managed and could adjust the Choice Care program to deliver the level of total care that all Veterans require to be whole again. GETI has established what we call the 3 Pillars of Veteran Transition. Pathways that we have set into motion that can be funded privately for Houston Veterans but of course with real VA participation these same programs could be enacted nationwide.
Hence whatever the VA comes back to you all with at that this point in time in November and the back forth that we all know that will ensue; we Veterans will once more see no possible measurable results until sometime hopefully in late Jan or early Feb 2016 ( which will be a fact).
Now this is why you have 22 million Veterans who are upset and upset with Republicans too which could also translate into major grassroots NO Votes for RED candidates come this November and more importantly next November.
Hence why GETI VTV has created "DC Under the Microscope" to provide Veterans, families and friends with the truth about the voting records and kind of Veteran Legislation being passed by Congress that just does not lie and trust me with what GETI, Concerned Veterans for America and many other VSOs will be doing is guiding everyone to our site to view and other VSO websites in order to be informed and aware to make up their own minds at the end of the day as far as whether their Congressional Representatives deserve to be retained or Retired.
Remember it recently has only took 1 to 3 points to remove an existing Representatives on the basis of the last 3 election cycles which is not Einstein work to figure that out at the end of the day what recent NO ACTION Results for Veterans could and will mostly mean for those seeking re-election.
It is quite simple this continued wrangling back and forth with only Band-Aid Resolutions being enacted to date will mean another 9125 Veterans will have committed suicide due to Congress and the VA not enacting the kinds of Wellness programs that the GETI Group is in the process of enacting ourselves....... go to our PowerPoint on the July 17th Houston Conference we just concluded… and our youtube video that was recorded by GETI's Veteran TV film crew.... if you haven't already viewed them I highly recommend you do to better understand exactly what I am speaking about.
Thank you...Remember its not just the GETI Group's fight and grassroots actions alone we need your collaboration and support too so we can finally end this travesty that has been perpetrated against all our Heroes.
Enough is Enough"........
Warmest Regards,
Retired President of Mary Stewart Consulting, Inc. Founder of an International non-profit Foundation. Developing New Business’s, Entrepreneur, Humanitarian
9 年Len, The VA people turn their heads to change. They are not decision makers. The top Director won't challenge the administration. I have experienced this first hand. You must find an individual that is not Afraid of the administration that can get the attention of inner circle of the decision makers. This person. Must be bold enough to make something happen. That is what it is going to take to make changes on behalf of the veterans programs. There is too much talk and no action. So far Donald Trump is the only one willing to do that. He is in the inner circles.
Retired President of Mary Stewart Consulting, Inc. Founder of an International non-profit Foundation. Developing New Business’s, Entrepreneur, Humanitarian
9 年I have been In DC fighting for our veterans rights using my personal Funds to try and make a difference. I care about our Solider's our veterans and their families. I Have personslly witnessed what is transpiringi in DC with our politicians. There is only one presidential candidate speaking out for Veterans who can make a difference. It is only Donald Trump. He is Standing up to our government Officials on behalf of our veterans. Please get behind him. He can make a difference. He is not afraid of offending other politicians and he doesn't need the money. He has no fear ( just guts to get things done ) Thank you my friend Donald for what you have taken on.
CEO at Premier Marketing Advantage
9 年I truly admire Len Swanson vision, mission and purpose! Len you are the most relentless, determined professional junkyard dog that I have ever met. I thank God for you applying all of your talent & determination on behalf of our Vereran brothers & sisters! Respect & Honor to you Sir!!
Bless you, Len. This is a both party issue as you have pointed out. There is an absolute dereliction of duty on the part of our government--us--when it comes to fulfilling our commitments to veterans. Thanks for being the stick that keeps on gigging the frog until it jumps. In America, we would rally behind our troops and our veterans without having to be shamed, but the reality TV concept is a FANTASTIC idea. Thanks for the work you guys do.
Digital Marketing Strategist | SEO & Web Development Expert | Helping Businesses Grow Online ??
9 年Everything bold, interesting out look. Are you a trump supporter?