The Democrats got some of their own medicine and started to howl
Democrats got some of their own medicine called “denial”, or “canceled” or “suspended” – you decide which brand. I would like to see how they will survive without their lucrative jobs that were denied to the white Republicans.
Denied everything, including public services, denied child tax credit, denied justice, denied jobs, denied credit, denied education, denied almost everything. And if you think that it is over, no, they became more aggressive and more revengeful with the election of Trump. One day I will write a book about the terror I lived through because I supported Trump in 2016 and ran for office. Supporting Trump was my protest to what I saw was happening in the USA.
Now Democrats, you have to go. Trump has different agenda for this country. Being in the office, you can only prevent his reforms. Now you have to learn to survive with your own medication “denial”, and with the prices your criminal gang left behind them, firing producing food facilities, and increasing the prices of the gas firing wars around the world.
Why you don’t protest against the overspending of your government for gay and transgender related services around the world. How it is crucial for the national security, as you try to convince me now, to support the change of gender in Guatemala. I was trying to convince myself that it is important for the national security if you propagate transgederism in all the other countries, and then to elect officials there with these anomalies, because they will be more subjective to control, always on medications, hormones, and psychiatric therapy. They will do exactly what the big pharma from the USA commands them to do. I don’t think this will help much our national security, except for the profits of the big pharmaceutical companies and the government official who are sending the help abroad. Otherwise, getting people drug addicted and with serious psychological problems in charge of otter countries is dangerous for the USA. You see what is doing this drug addicted individual, the President of Ukraine Zelenski, with his own population and his own country, which is soon to extinct. Now he is asking nuclear arms from the USA, after declaring 177 billion missing from the approved aid. See also what did the European leaders to their people asking them to return to coal mines and wood for heating.
Soon after the closure of the USAID that “saves lives”, as the protesters say, the biggest beneficiary of the so called aid abroad, Bill Gates, first ran to ask Trump not to close it. It is the biggest pump to his companies, which actually are distributing government funds under the charity they claim. Let’s see how much are their own money comparing to the money they make from the big pharma and the government contracts for “aid”.
I will tell you how this agency is saving lives; by sending condoms to Hamas and Viagra to the Talibans. Then sending experts to convince foreign governments to increase the prices of the energy that kills more people than helped someone. Then vaccinate their population with untested substances that also killed a lot.
?Another group of thousand people protested against Elon Musk and the cutting of the 2,000,000 who are soon to be released from the government positions. Trump vision and ideas need another visionary like Musk. They couldn’t be provided by the job keeping, work from home employees. Have you ever wondered how some immigrants immediately find jobs in the USA that are denied to the locals. Did you notice how in the public places suddenly appeared guards in 2016. ?Before we had no guards even in the banks. Back then Obama started the biggest preparation for his next election. The big plan of replacement of the population initiated Obama, who decided to extinct the white race and for that reason organized lots of activities – importing immigrants from Africa and Asia in Europe and the USA, preparing for the war in Ukraine, that actually started with the coup his government organized in 2014.
Illegals started to come into the country invited by the Democrat government, but coming with a job provided. I am talking about army of people from Jamaica and Haiti, and Africa, who were then invited to start the big change of the local population in race and religion. More educated got higher government positions. Their diplomas were immediately accepted without additional exams, while the people from Russia and Eastern Europe, much better educated and experienced, had to start their education from the beginning to get the same certification.
Did you notice the head of the protests against the Trump reforms? It will tell you a lot about the real motivations behind the slogans “Saving lives” and “bla”, “bla”. Representative Ilhan Omar was leading the group, because she is illegal immigrant, and has to be deported. She got US asylum with fraud, by marrying her brother. Now they will say it is not true, but they made then the same frauds as the recent illegals make to stay in the USA. I met one woman claiming she was raped by 10 people in her country to stay in the USA. And most of all claim transgenderism or gay orientation. That is how US was filled with Trans people. All the immigrants got asylum approved if claim transgender.
The drama will continue to unravel. But what people saw till now is a grandiose corruption on the highest government levels, and gang of Democrat criminals, declaring themselves untouchable, who were robbing the ordinary Americans and were ready to start a nuclear war to survive. If this war has to happen in Europe and to erase the white population from the Earth, they will organize it, if we don’t stop them.