Democracy Unveiled
Lies and More Lies and More Untruth.
There is a great an enormous deception happening now. It has gone beyond the bluff.
Firstly, I believe in freedom. But I am not sure where to find it. Is it just a joke that has gone bad? Is any country in the entire world really free? It seems that anytime people gather, congregate or simply get together for any long period of time, in public space or in a space that is viewable or visible to the public-eye, these people are made to seem as being undesirables.
This stigma has been applied to poor people, homeless people and any so called fringe group. If the terming of a group as undesirable does not garner enough support to deem this seeming miscreants as deserving of being removed from the public space, then claims are made about members of the group as being radicals, racists, or other such 'villain-like' terminology will be used to characterize the people involved in the gathering.
This sad state of affairs would seem more likely to occur in a communist country or in a dictatorship. But it is all the more a common occurrence in so called free countries. I am bewildered by this attitude and appalled at the violent behavior that almost always follows immediately after the name calling is not enough to cause the crowd to disperse. This violence is sometimes initiated by a rival group, but also caused by so called authorities that are sworn to protect members of society. A vain oath is viewed as commonplace. This is most regrettable and detestable.
News media outlets will portray an event according to one viewpoint on one day and in line with popular opinion on another day. Bizarre, to say the least.
But what about elected officials; politicians. Politics or polytricks is an arena where only the most fierce of the animals can fight and survive. Once an honorable profession, being a politician today that cares only about money, fame and hearing the saying of their own name is not unlike a celebrity's mindset. It is very sad that people who seek political office are not those who despise money and who abhor fame, but who love righteousness and justice.
Today, we are living, here in Canada in a so called state of emergency. What exactly is the emergency about? Some people who reside in the nation's capital city, by choice, knowing it is the 'hot bed' of the political arena are annoyed about protests against lockdowns.
Who have the lockdowns affected and why were they affected? Lockdowns in the Province of Ontario have decimated the lives of small business owners, severely harmed homeless people and crippled the lives of the poor permanently. But those who live in ivory towers will only view the marginalized as peasants, at all times anyway.
Today I spoke with a former political candidate, on whose campaign I worked in the past. I asked him about the lockdowns and protests in Ottawa and about the violence, being brought upon protestors, by authorities that are sworn to keep the peace. He told me: "We don't know what happened before the violence?" "Were the protestors acting out?" Unbelievable! Am I now to understand that violence is condoned and preached by the government and its representatives? It does not seem right, to me. But perhaps the return of barbarianism is upon us.
Also, I asked this former political candidate if he was aware of any steps taken by either the Provincial or Federal government to improve health conditions, in businesses, such as food services or on subways or otherwise. He replied, by saying: "I am not aware of any new laws that require any improved processes for food service, but as for matters of the subway and cleanliness there, perhaps you should contact the AGCO (Alcohol, Gaming Commission)". Strange response. I am not sure if this good guidance. But this reply and other replies to my queries, during my discussion with this former political candidate has made me realize that no one really knows who to speak to to get anything done.
While it is regrettable that the sit-ins turned to protests that got out of hand, I am left pondering: "Was there any other option?" At at certain point in time, the protests were bound to happen. Let me explain my position. Even under Provincial legislation restaurants were at times allowed to accommodate or permit entry to unvaccinated people, in outdoor patios. But what about outdoor patio areas that restricted entry to unvaccinated people? I am speaking about outdoor areas, without a covering or enclosure. Why should there be any restriction to unvaccinated people? Especially, when unvaccinated people have throughout the current pandemic been allowed to work as waitstaff and kitchen staff in restaurants.
Since and during the pandemic there has been no new policy, law or regulation to require kitchen staff to have a Food Handler Certificate. There has been no new grading system of restaurants or bars to ensure improved cleanliness to the property or improved hygiene among staff members.
What has changed. Nothing. This is an old story of polytricks. A lot speeches but no concrete change. No new policies for improvement. So what did the lockdowns achieve? Destruction of small business. Increased in market share by big business. Increased unemployment. Increased homelessness. Increased poverty. Sad. Sick. Twisted.
Even with the so called lifting of mandates, unvaccinated people can still, at the discretion of a business, be denied entry or service. So what has changed. The unvaccinated are portrayed as lepers by political leaders. This is not right. No doubt for my penning of this article, soon the authorities will come for me. But I don't care. I needed to say what I have said.