Democracy Strong… Electorate Anxious & Angry

Democracy Strong… Electorate Anxious & Angry

Yesterday was a celebration of all things American- Small Town- Community that equates to the thriving Democracy of Our Great Republic

An epic fifteen-hour day standing as School Moderator pressing the flesh with nearly one thousand Town’s Folk

?…Newporter’s – decade’s old friends- new faces- young voters of every political star and stripe

We have the entire spectrum --- Far Right “Free Staters” that want their paper ballot counted by hand….Ultra Progressive Socialists who advance a wonderful egalitarian agenda for the Nation

Unlike the toxic sputum of National Politics that would contaminate the bucolic -pastoral beauty of our peaceful landscape

….there is a respect of consciousness- lack of extreme behavior and a frowning disapproval of anyone or anything that is not moderate and accepting of our rights

Live Free or Die—New Hampshire

Small town’s create a very specific type of relational familiarity and reciprocity ?

….you would never beep your horn at someone here-- !?

….for more than likely you are going to be interacting with that individual for the next fifty years. …..there is none of the type of entitled rudeness—this massive social pathology that I experience in the metro Boston Suburbs

?---Rural America still has lots of manners and to someone that has circled the globe … in my opinion it is one of the most emotionally/ mentally healthy places to live in our current disruptive world

My day was a smorgasbord of intellectual debate….OMG- YUM YUM

…the former Moderator reading a new book out about Churchill – Munich Agreement – Appeasement – Fast Forward to Putin and the lessons we need to apply not to follow the same path--- Top Shelf Interaction of the Day

The County Attorney discussing one of my books and how he applies it to the current state of adolescent behavioral dysfunction in American Society….are the adolescents of today –in a fundamentally different state of mind than even ten years ago….Hmmm??

State Reps….the docket of pending legislation – pressing concerns for the State of American Democracy – how divided government has become- gridlocked and the absence of moral clarity / leadership has produced the morass we exist in today

The Community Activist …her amazing work on Fair Funding for Education and the bipartisan coalition we have expanded this year and the successes we have seen in the NH General Court

She was joined by another more Progressive Supporter who expressed her totally displeasure in the NH State Senate --- Heads in the Clouds- Far Removed from their Constituency –

…I Know --- Not even one response to my emails—so much for professionalism

I chimed in about our State Senator whom is one of the worse offenders and my eagle eye is on her…..we are diligently watching her votes—unless she can finally represent her constituents

?--- it’s time for her to go this Fall

–what’s crazy these State Senators do not understand the support people like us can muster

?– we possess a community credibility that in these tight elections is the margin of victory or defeat.

I caught up with teachers, grandparents, parents of former students…that we supported in their educational pursuits that makes us proud in their accomplishments.

--- each story displays the great love that resides in this humble place

—each life we changed is a miracle which contributes to the strength of the Nation--- a very joyful part of the day

?Lots of serious discussions with all types of Elected Officials – Town- School- County --- also expressing gratitude for the sincere efforts that do to support the community—they are the unsung bulwark of American Democracy

…But most of all I was the willing pastoral ear of listening to the angst of many souls…

…... Which had the greatest impact upon me ? I tell my wife (as I make the Sign of the Cross) all the time

…We live in times where many many people suffer

….still worse they must do this in silence as they have no advocates.

Those of us exceedingly blessed with every gift must be that voice for those who cannot speak.

I heard loud and clear yesterday how broken the New Hampshire Tax System is and how it is in need of immediate reform ?

Especially in these Property Poor Towns the pressure of the Property Taxes are crippling sledgehammer blows destroying many people’s lives. ?

This is not an issue that is going away….

…as its compensatory energy is rapidly proliferating ?

The macroeconomics in New Hampshire have changed and yet the system due to its apathetic leadership is much too slow to catch up with aligning our tax policy to these facts on the ground.

Yesterday voting results saw every funding article fail ..the Operating Budget- Teacher’s Raise..ect

…not by a slim margin but by a wide gulf

Aware- Informed leadership listens and makes the needed corrective improvements

Yet our deeply polarized Leadership Class is immersed in these Culture Wars that serve as a shiny object distractions from the real significance

The Presidential Campaign has elevated the temperature of this boiling caldron in the non-stop war of words, hate, disruption, distortion, and disinformation.

People are battered by all this….

Those with the resources can safely retreat into the comfort of their bubble of their own creation

---don’t get me wrong --- many of us earned by the sweat of our brows this safe space

Those without resources live on the frontlines of instability – in the breach

Yet even those even with the resources feel the angst as the collective society that surrounds them is declining

Everyone senses this void—absence of presence – security and safety.

The only good news I observed is the strength of the Democratic system still functioning well due to the selfless dedication of many unrecognized individuals.


So as much as Joe & Donald rail about threats to the Great Republic…..

Let me tell you on the small granular level here in the tens of thousands of American Small towns – the bedrock of Democracy is strong- very healthy!

The people are reassured by these local dedicated elected Moderators, Town Clerks, Checklist Supervisors who function like a well-tuned Swiss Watch ?

America’s threats to Democracy lies in places like the State Senate in Concord and in the entire establishment in WDC where a disaffected leadership class is far far removed from the Jeffersonian principles of the Great Republic


From my periscope perspective …those running for elective office in November best be engaging a “Listening Tour” in their district my experienced eyes and ears tell me that only those that have connected to these concerns …can be reasonably assured of success.


Success finds its roots in the sincerity of your intention, the trust and confidence you inspire ..

There is an abundance of that in these local officials who humanize government into caring concern for others

The great disconnect is from those removed from this social reciprocity ?

Remember…most people soon forget what you say

…yet the warmth of your glow lives on in the memory with that individual as the feeling energy of your authenticity

The State of the Republic is Sound….but the workings of Democracy requires a deeper relational connection by those at the top of the pyramid to its base which in essence is the foundation that keeps everything standing strong


…somehow we have forgotten such a simple concept





