Democracy is "Government of the people, by the people, for the people"
.... according to Abraham Lincoln. It is time for us - "the people, the citizien" to meet this challenge - read Democrazy is sold out....
In particular for us in the western democracies it is time to meet this challenge, to demand and accept our role in co-governance, to shape a new kind of community cohesion, to strive for a trust based living and acting together.
We need to reduce regulations according to the proverb "Less is more", to set broader frames, to give back responsibiltiy to decide and act including the consequences. Regulations of today provide only apparent justice, apparent security. In reality they favor meanwhile unfairness and unequality. Frequently they hinder appropriate solutions. Our highly networked. individual world and our increasing knowledge of the evolutionary principles make it very clear: We need more kontext - adapted possibilities to act in time. The answer is a trust based economy and society.
To enable this trust based economy the set frames have to be enforced without exemption. In addition the roles of citizen and government will change.This will lead to social and technological innovations as citizen, employees will start to engage again. They feel that they can influence, decide and implement, they can shape their and their kids future.
But all starts with a new language, with a change of our common " metaphoric-mapping". It is no longer "the state and us", it will become "We are the state"!
Let's get started - it will take a while to blossom!