DEMOCRACY FREEDOM "if wars can be started with lies They can be stopped by Truth" Julian Assange
"if wars can be started with lies
They can be stopped by Truth"
Julian Assange?
I don't have to remind you?
That all humans are Born Free
Regardless of colour caste Ideologies
Religion or creed?
Have been endowed with the
Power Reasoning along with a
Conscience accompanied by
Thoughts Words Deeds?
We are not Slaves to the anybody?
Who profess to be Zoroastrians
But under the cover of darkness practice?
Racism discrimination dogmatism?
Exclusion Mockery Hypocrisy Sacrilege?
Zoroastrianism states:
"Hear with your ears
Ponder with a good mind"
Lead one's life as one sees fit
By being Deaf Dumb Blind?
Asho Zarathushtra's Pristine Message?
"Equality Freedom understanding?
Humbleness Humility kindness?
Treating people with Respect?
As well Dignity"
No matter who they be?
Rich poor beggar or thief?
One can pray mumbo-jumbo?
24/7/365 or make trips to
Fire Temple, pray on bended knees?
Beseech Him with all one's might
He will discard one's plea?
Until one has set the record straight.
(Covid 19): Soothe the Soul ceremony ?
No one is superior or inferior?
But, on the same playing field
Cause we are all humans?
As Nobody has Monopoly over Wisdom.
Life is very uncertain fragile
We all will travel the same cobblestone?
Cause nobody is going escape?
His Justice?
As Pride goes before fall
There is only one type of Justice
Justice for all?
Let me remind you that I will not Bow or Obey the whims & fancies of the " Delphi Oracles but the one I was born to serve
PS: "The "Ignorance of one voter
In a Democracy?
Impairs the security of all"
John F Kennedy?
Choicest Blessings?
Nov. 2024