Democracy or Demon-cracy?
On 9th of November 2016, (On Iqbal Day) I found the practical example of Allama Iqbal's poetry in which he rightly said,
''Jumhooriat Ek Tarz-e-Hukumat Hai Ke Jis Mein
Bandon Ko Gina Karte Hain, Tola Nahin Karte!''
(Democracy is a certain form of government in which
Men are counted but not weighed).
A guy who is racist by nature and he claimed it openly, and who proudly disclose his ill-character as mentioned by several women, who is biased and anti Muslim, Involved in fraud, and a Liar, who doesn't know what to say and what not to say has become the POTUS.
This does not end here, Indians are dancing with joy as they have found "Messiah" in the form of Donald Trump (time to put curse on their rationality or thinking loll!!). This result shows that American society took this decision not on the basis of rationality but emotions.
This is obvious that Donald Trump will have a tough time in future as he has to execute his "rhetorical" agendas. We know that he is a successful businessman; he started his political campaign being a smart “marketing manager” and designed his “slogans” or manifesto that addressed the common man, and spot on!! He sold his “Manjhan” (product) successfully. His rhetorical agendas are as follows:
1. Tightening the immigration policy.
2. Bring job back to the White American.
3. Lessening warmongering policy.
4. Kick out all Muslims from America.
5. Build a wall on Mexican border.
Apart of one or two points, rest of the agenda is nothing but empty words. How is it possible to give a job to the uneducated and less skilled white Americans? (who are approximately 58% and voted him). America is a capitalist country where job market only absorbs a labor that should be more skillful and less expensive and unfortunately white Americans do not qualify this criterion. Ultimately American economy cannot afford this hard step of Donald Trump. Secondly, if he kicks out all Muslims out of the US, how will he deal with the issues related to the Saudis hold hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of U.S. assets, and their sale would not only be a severe blow to the U.S., but also to the Saudis and the world economy. Thirdly, how can Donald Trump address the issues being isolated in which the US mingled? To be a warmongering country is the requirement of the US economy as The U.S. is still No.1 at selling arms to the world and thus it runs the wheel of its economy. Furthermore he is a contractor (Thekaydar) of the world. The only agenda he can execute is to tightening the immigration policy or build a wall. After or most probably before the completion of his tenure, the white Americans will realize that they had been fooled by a smart businessman and illiterate politician. (Imran Awan).