Democracy or Autocracy?

Democracy or Autocracy?

Democracy or Autocracy?

I'm tired. I'm weary. Are you? This political season is exhausting. I have followed politics, more importantly, the law, for a very long time. To me, this election is not about any particular issue. It is not about violence, guns, abortion, media, social justice, protests, riots, the post office, or any other of the constantly "breaking news". These are all just RED HERRINGS to keep you from focusing on the real issue at hand.

One thing I have learned, and I'm sure you've seen this in your life too, is that ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. Like the magician's trick: look over here so you won't notice what I'm really doing. Believe the magic? Understand it's a trick? Your choice. But, it IS a choice.

The issue at hand in this election boils down to one thing:

Do you want to live in a country that is a democracy, ruled by law or an autocracy, ruled by an autocrat? I accept that there are many people in this country who believe they would prefer an autocracy to a Democracy. The United States Democracy began over 200 years ago. It is the system we have all lived in - until now.

Perhaps this Democratic experiment has come to an end. I personally will be very sad if that is the case. I believe in the Constitution. I believe in the Rule of Law. I want to live in a country where law governs. I do not want to live in a country where one person governs.

So make your choice but understand your choice. If you vote for Trump, you are voting for the party of Trump, NOT the Republican Party. If you are voting for Biden, you are voting to maintain the democracy as created by the Constitution. It almost doesn't matter who is in that position. The reason I say that is that the opposite position of the Trump party is the position of maintaining the United States as a democracy - a government and a people RULED BY LAW.


You may think that I am being overly dramatic. I assure you I am not. A hallmark of our country's founding and continuation to this point is the peaceful transition of power. The United States has been a lighthouse to the World by setting this example - THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER. The party of Trump seeks to undermine that Cornerstone of the United States. He has stated that he will not under any circumstances accept the results of an election if he loses. He has stated that if he wins, he will indeed seek a third term. And, his ACTIONS demonstrate that he believes that HE is not subject to the laws of this country.

If you look at the words of Trump regarding a peaceful transition of power and upholding the Constitution and combine those with the actions he has taken, the result is the Rejection of the proposition that the LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY apply to him or to those currently in his favor. Fall out of his favor - watch out! You won't have the law to protect you.

So, make your choice - VOTE - and most of all, take the time to understand what is at stake.

Dan Matics

Senior Media Strategist & Account Executive, Otter PR

3 个月

Great share, Laura!



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