Democracies Lost The Narrative War

Democracies Lost The Narrative War

In less than a couple of months we lost humanity. Let me explain, when the Letter to America of Osama Bin Laden is trending on social media accounts. That is a clear sign that the western democracies and republics have lost the narrative in the world. Average Mohamed has been warning humanity that we need and worked on platforms to espouse our democratic values of our republics in ideas that can compete. We warned censorship will drive ideas underground and when that happens the extremists get recruits. People get further radicalized and walk away from sources that say otherwise.

The war in Israel Palestine has opened fissures that exist.

Why should you nobody citizens like Average Mohamed worry about this fact?

Heard of the global boycotts of American companies just yet? That means markets for them but for us it means nobody citizens it means jobs in our democracies and republics. Heard of the organizing of more boycotts and activists urging kicking out of western companies out of their local and communities? That means we can kiss away our prosperity and access to markets.

80% of the generations get their news not from mainstream media but social media for ages 16-30 now globally. The age group we at Average Mohamed have been engaging globally over 10 years creating viral products for them to get with our democratic ideals and values. Against extremism of ideological, religious and promotion of democracy against theocracy, dictatorship, and communists. We are good at what we do at Average Mohamed for these causes winning minds. Minds that in less than a year not only have we lost but now the western democracies and allies are facing real life issues like loss of markets because of it. Oh yes some of our youths will now go all the way into extremism. After all the extremists are still recruiting globally.

Good news is we at Average Mohamed will never give up on our values. Values that built our democracies and republics earned by blood, sweat and trials. Values of Humanity that says we have a right to espouse our democratic principles globally. Values that the FBI in America is b8usy blacklisting Black, Muslim and Republican from ever speaking of or doing works on by embargo and blacklisting of their activists now.

Yet, we democracies and republics lost the narrative globally and they bring no solutions now but urge censorship by state means.

How is that working out for you nobody citizens and democracies and republic?

Good news is we at Average Mohamed and many others who have been at work globally are doubling down on our efforts. For Average Mohamed the FBI, unleashed volunteers and informants are also doubling down on their backlisting and embargo of us too. It is not ideas that stops us from winning minds globally to our cause of FREEDOM for democracies and republics but the FBI now in America.

We are left only to write articles now instead of being funded to create viral videos, engage in speaking to our youths globally. These are our kids and when we lose narrative, we lose a whole lot more as Free People of the world.

Censorship of social media platforms and their molestations advocated by the government state organs who want more power in this fight will not work and will backfire on our democracies and republics. The sole reason being is that there exists platforms and means beyond them that the youths will in droves find and get further radicalized. A good example we just had was covid censorships by our American government. Look how radicalized now those the state censored have become. They don’t believe anything the state says now including mainstream media.

Average Mohamed has been espousing for over a decade “It takes an Idea to Defeat an Idea”. Allow us to compete in ideas in a free market format of it. We have the ideas but who can stop the FBI from embargoing and blacklisting us to do works for Democracies and republics?

We are asking publicly the Biden Administration. We are making our case but look around you we urge them all and open your eyes. We have lost the global narrative when our youths are sharing Osama Bin Laden letter to America. This should be a siren in your ears. Emancipate your Narrative warriors and allow equity, equality, equal opportunity, access to resources unmolested and use please MERIT. For us like Average Mohamed nobody citizen to go do our work for Democracies and republics. We do so peacefully and nonviolently. Winning one mind at a time to the cause of FREEDOM for the FREE PEOPLE globally. To the tune of tens of Millions.

Huh, unless your Biden administration is happy to lose our youths globally and happy to see us black, Muslim, Republican Activists kicked down by boots in America as policy by your silence in this matter.

We are those of the American Race of People to whom we will go out as Nobody Citizens just an Average Mohamed to do works even if left only to write articles now by the FBI backlisting of us for God, Country, and Humanity.

May it be easy for us Free People for sure the FBI makes it impossible for us. Biden Administration you are up. Either you stand on principles of Freedom for us all, no exception, no exclusion or stand for what the FBI is doing to us out here as policy.

We shall all find out soon enough!





Nate Bocker, CPD

Math & Power Games (electrical and social)

11 个月

Someone gets it

Nate Bocker, CPD

Math & Power Games (electrical and social)

11 个月

Democracies lost the narrative war with the Greeks. Plato pointed out that democracy was the next to last rung on the ladder of decent to tyranny.


