The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The definition of democracy is a form of government in which the common people hold political power and can rule either directly or through elected representatives.
Our forefathers had the vision to realize that one day our so called governments may turn on us and try to rule us with an iron fist. Their entire fight for freedom would have been wasted had they not put in measures to protect the people from just that. Constitutions were written and pillars were erected to ensure that this never came to be. They made every attempt to safeguard the citizen in the best way they could. Not even they could ever expect what we have been reduced to.
I believe that mankind has been given the UNIVERSAL RIGHT of freedom in this world. That right has been bestowed upon him/her/it by the universe/maker/God (whatever you may want to call it). He has always had the right to chose what he/she wanted, to go where he/she wanted, to eat, read, see, hear, speak their desires and he/she was never meant to be slaves to others or to governments. It is we, MANKIND that have taken away this universal freedom and created lopsided laws and rules, built walls and made boundaries, staged wars and battles in the name of religion and domination. We have been killing our very own people, animals, nature and this planet. We have today allowed ourselves to be ruled by dictators and terrorists and we have forcibly or wilfully given up our rights to freedom and liberty. If we should point fingers at anyone for the state of our countries, let’s start by pointing them at ourselves.
When we in democracies elect governments, we do so on the premise that they will provide for us, use our hard earned money for the right purposes and give us the serenity and freedom that our forefathers fought and died for. We expect all the pillars of democracy to remain strong and tall, taking the pressure of the changing world and hold on to all that is fair and right. We believe that justice and liberty, freedom to chose and decide, the right to live with dignity and sanity is all a part of the greatness we call Democracy. We are told and taught in school that Democracy is for the people, of the people and by the people.
Unfortunately as we can see, that is far from the truth. Our governments today have taken it for granted that they being the chosen ones have the liberty to do what they want, how they want and when they want. No one has the right to question them or hold them accountable for their actions. They are under the assumption that God has handed over the sceptre to them to rule how they wish and disregard laws, constitutions, people’s sentiments etc. Modern Democracy is no longer of the people but of some people. They think so and we do nothing to correct that assumption.
One of the biggest problems facing most countries today is Terrorism. Threats are mostly from outside the country wanting to harm us and kill whatever they can set their sights on. Religion, politics, geography are all reasons for this destruction and we are always on edge wondering when and what will happen next.
Nothing is worse that the terrorism we face within our own country. Threats from our governments, our institutions, our enforcement agencies, our religious leaders and our own citizens. The AK wielding person with his finger on the trigger is not half as scary as what is unleashed on us by our own people in our own countries. There could be no greater threat to us than from within and I don’t know if we will ever realize or recognize that. We have allowed hate and religion, cast, creed and color to blind us, we have educated ourselves on technology and science and in the same breath, have succumbed ourselves to being sheep and not shepherds. We have allowed these terrorist to rule over us, to dictate what we do, whom we love, what we eat, where we go, what we read or watch and we have over time allowed ourselves to be enslaved and in time, given up on our fundamental rights as human beings. We no longer require outside forces to tear us apart when we are happily and successfully doing it ourselves.
The true face of this terrorism can be seen in the blatant misuse of power by governments, in the silence and absolute disregard for laws / constitution by our enforcement agencies, in the ever increasing abysmal ignorance of human rights and freedom being shown by our Judiciary and in the trending violent tendency of our fellow citizens, who would rather kill their own people than protect them. How do you respect the pillars of Democracy today when they themselves have shunned all self respect? When they are themselves sleeping with the enemy, giving in to the terrorism that is killing their country, allowing for criminals to roam free while the innocent are being framed and locked away. If these institutions had any self respect, any love for their country or freedom, if they had a spine to stand on or a conscience, then things would not have come to this. They should hang their heads in shame because they are the true traitors of our countries today, they are the ones selling out countries and allowing terrorist to rule us in their fashion. They have betrayed their fellow citizens and have shamed the millions who gave their lives for our freedom and liberty. It is these traitors that are anti-national and un-patriotic and their silence and submissive attitude is repulsive.
The sole purpose of law enforcement and judiciary is to ensure that the terrorists are locked up while the innocent are protected and not the other way around. In a democratic country, its citizens look upon these institutions as keepers of justice and law. They depend on them to uphold the constitution and protect the country in every manner possible. It’s treacherous when these very same agencies have turned coat and have joined hand with the terrorists and have together started to attack the country they swore to protect. They have conveniently forgotten the constitution and have moved to the other side, willingly or by force. They have sold their country to the corrupt and deceitful and it is on their watch that the flag has fallen. Their job and responsibility was to the country, to ensure that its citizens are safe, to ensure that the corrupt are accountable for their actions and to free and safeguard the innocent. They have today, enslaved the public, arrested or assassinated the fighters, muffled the voices and spewed venom in every way possible. They have directly/indirectly allowed terrorists to attack us on our soil while they have turned their backs on the people. Their silence and indifference/reluctance to attack those who are hurting us only shows that they are spineless and toothless to do what their institution expects of them. Governments should be scared of these agencies and not the other way around. These agencies should target the corrupt, arrest the criminals and sentence the guilty. Their job is not to harass the innocent, frame false charges and plant evidence to make convictions. They should honor their fellow officers, especially those who are honest and working for the county. Instead the ones who points out the criminals are behind bars while the actual criminals, rapists, murderers, parasites are out free. What a wonderful time we live in!! Our forefathers would be so proud.