#Deming Thoughts on #Processes and #Operations and Their #Applications on the #Management of #Digital / #IT #Projects
by Abraham Zavala-Quinones / @AZQMXX, #Project #Manager & #Business #Systems #Analyst with 27 years of #professional #experience

#Deming Thoughts on #Processes and #Operations and Their #Applications on the #Management of #Digital / #IT #Projects

W. Edwards Deming, a renowned statistician, professor, and consultant, left an indelible mark on the field of quality management and operations. His thoughts and philosophies have remained pivotal in guiding industries beyond manufacturing, including the domain of Digital/IT projects. With a career spanning nearly three decades, I've witnessed and applied Deming’s principles in the realm of IT project management with remarkable success. In this article, I will expound upon the application of Deming's ideas to the digital sphere.

Plan-Do-Study-Act ( #PDSA ) Cycle

Central to Deming’s philosophy is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, emphasizing iterative learning and process improvement [1]. In IT project management:

Plan: Define the project scope, objectives, and necessary steps.

Do: Implement the steps and develop the product.

Study: Review the outcomes, comparing them against the expected results.

Act: Make necessary adjustments and refine the process for subsequent cycles.

This cycle aligns seamlessly with Agile and Scrum methodologies commonly used in IT projects, emphasizing iterative development and continuous feedback [2].

#Quality Over #Quantity

Deming advocated for a focus on quality, not numbers [3]. In IT projects, this means ensuring that systems are reliable, secure, and user-friendly rather than merely completing tasks. It's not about how many features are released, but how valuable and robust they are.

#System #Thinking

Deming believed in viewing processes as part of a larger system [4]. For digital projects, this means considering how a software or application fits into the broader IT infrastructure and business goals. Every project isn't just a standalone endeavor but a piece of the larger business ecosystem.

#People are #Pivotal

Deming was keen on empowering all team members, emphasizing training, and building a culture of pride in one's work [5]. In the realm of IT, fostering an environment where developers, analysts, and stakeholders feel empowered, can lead to more innovative solutions and better project outcomes.

#Prediction and #Adaptability

Deming emphasized the importance of understanding variation and using statistical methods to predict results [6]. For IT projects, this might translate to using data-driven methods to forecast project timelines, anticipate risks, and gauge potential returns on investment.

#Drive #Out #Fear

Deming believed in creating an environment where employees are not afraid of reprisals for mistakes or for voicing concerns [7]. In IT projects, fostering a culture where team members can freely share ideas, report issues, or provide feedback is crucial for ensuring project success and continual improvement.

Final Thoughts

Deming's thoughts on processes and operations are timeless. They not only serve as a foundation for manufacturing and operations but also offer profound insights for the management of Digital/IT projects. In an era driven by technological innovations and digital transformation, aligning with Deming’s principles can provide the roadmap to deliver projects that not only meet but exceed stakeholder expectations.


[1]: Deming, W. E. (1993). The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. MIT Press.??

[2]: Schwaber, K., & Sutherland, J. (2017). The Scrum Guide.??

[3]: Deming, W. E. (1986). Out of the Crisis. MIT Press.??

[4]: Senge, P. M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Currency Doubleday.??

[5]: Walton, M. (1986). The Deming Management Method. Perigee Books.??

[6]: Shewhart, W. A., & Deming, W. E. (1939). Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control. The Graduate School, USDA.??

[7]: Deming, W. E. (1993). The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. MIT Press.


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