Deming in the News
John Willis
As an accomplished author and innovative entrepreneur, I am deeply passionate about exploring and advancing the synergy between Generative AI technologies and the transformative principles of Dr. Edwards Deming.
Recent Deming News
Lean manufacturing is a philosophy and a set of practices that aim to eliminate waste, improve quality, and increase customer value. One of the most widely used tools in lean manufacturing is the PDCA cycle, which stands for Plan, Do, Check, and Act. The PDCA cycle is a simple and effective way to continuously improve your processes, products, and services. In this article, you will learn how to apply the PDCA cycle to your lean performance and achieve better results.
Benchmark - Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Project: Framework or Model for Change....Topic3-NUR 590 EBP involves for reducing medication errors in adult population and my proposed model or framework PDSA tool.Pls provide with relevant citation and resources
“Without data in decision-making, you’re just another person with an opinion,” said Edward Deming. To feed your decision-making processes, and even more so collaborative decision-making involving several players, you need to set up a business intelligence platform that makes the current and past situations visible and sheds light on future options and causal links.
Check out my new Dr. Deming book
I work for a better ?? and solve problems using ??, Data, and AI #ethicaldata #ethicalAI #ethicalbusiness
1 年John Willis More Deming news...I've placed my order on Amazon! Going next to my Claude Shannon books, let me know how I can get it autographed...