Deming in the News 2/2/24
John Willis
As an accomplished author and innovative entrepreneur, I am deeply passionate about exploring and advancing the synergy between Generative AI technologies and the transformative principles of Dr. Edwards Deming.
Deming Updates
Analysis Of Continuous Quality Improvement Using Waste Assessment Model And Deming Cycle Method
This study explains what waste occurs in the manufacturing industry, where there are 7 wastes, namely excess production, waiting time, unnecessary transportation, excessive processes, excess inventory, unnecessary movements, and defective products. As a result of this waste, the company has lost an output of 46 tons in 1 semester. The purpose of this research is to find out the critical waste and the source of the waste that occurs in the manufacturing industry and then reduce the waste using the waste assessment model and the deming cycle method.
Small but Sure Steps: Japanese Quality Philosophy - KAIZEN (translate to English)
Deming and Juran made significant contributions to developing the tools that would put the quality understanding in Japanese into practice. Undoubtedly, if it were not for the quality and continuous improvement philosophy that KA?-ZEN, which we mentioned above, brought to the Japanese, the efforts of Deming and Juran would not have created this effect.
10 Reasons Why Toyotas Are So Reliable
Deming went to Toyota in 1950 to find a company that was struggling to stay afloat but eager for his advice. As he met with top managers, he conveyed his ideas on how to make a successful manufacturing operation, to which Toyota management was receptive. While his ideas were wide-ranging, the overall focus was in bringing together all parts of the operation to work together as a team, including factory workers, suppliers, and management. Deming also believed that the workers needed to be treated as associates who deserved recognition and the ability to provide input rather than expendable tools.
Deming Related Stories
Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa
He translated, integrated and expanded the management concepts of W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Joran into the Japanese system.
TQM - Juran Contribution
Like the Deming Cycle, Juran’s breakthrough concerns itself with the product/service lifecycle. In essence, this splits it up into two areas: “journey from symptom to cause” and “journey from cause to remedy”
Former Boeing employees warn production defects ignored by company and US aviation regulator put passengers at risk
"Boeing was run by engineers. And everything was motivated by engineers. And part of that was excellence, and safety and security.
The Silent Epidemic: How Cognitive Biases Impact Healthcare Decisions
From the waiting room to the operating table, these biases impact both patients and healthcare professionals with negative consequences. Acknowledging these biases isn’t just an academic exercise. It’s a crucial step toward improving healthcare outcomes. Here are four more cognitive errors that cause harm in healthcare today, along with my thoughts on what can be done to mitigate their effects.
These Numbers Look Random but Aren’t, Mathematicians Prove
In the real world, probability is a tough thing to characterize. If I roll a die, what does it mean to say that it has a one-sixth chance of coming up 5? We say that the outcome is random because we lack the information needed to predict which side will land facing up. But it’s not truly random. If we know all the details about how I move my hand and what forces act on the die as I toss it, we might be able to predict the outcome of the roll. Practically speaking, however, we usually lack that prediction power. Mathematicians call this situation “pseudorandom”.
Developer experience is more important than developer productivity
Senior leaders are under pressure to deliver results while capitalizing on their investments in teams and technology. There are no sinister intentions behind measuring developer productivity; leaders genuinely want their teams to be as productive as possible. The problem is that developer productivity is incredibly difficult to measure, resulting in organizations allocating disproportionate effort and resources while trying to find the magic measure. This investment in measurement takes precious time away from initiatives that could help developers be more productive.
Chairman Toyoda on TPS and his Fight to Restore Authority to the Genba
Chairman Toyoda regards TPS not as a mere means of boosting plant productivity, but as his personal management philosophy. He shared the story of his journey, from first encountering TPS to the battles he fought after becoming president. Here, we share the full lecture as a special part of the Toyota Times archive.
Check out my new Dr. Deming book