Demand Response (DR) & Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Transition
Creating Communications Engagement, Marketing, Public Relations & Strategic Integrated Internal-External Campaigns
Join our next "15-Minutes That Matter" live webinar when Rebecca Kelly interviews Skipping Stone Partner Ross Malme on the current trends in the Smart Grid industry:
- Thursday, September 21
- Noon EST
- Click to Register:
You will learn that The Internet of Things (IoT) is making low cost, two-way communications and control-- feasible for our household appliances, like smart thermostats, water heaters and electric vehicle (EV) charging.
Mr. Malme speaks at energy industry conferences and in a recent article, "Killer Apps For Renewable Generation" published this past June, he mentions that since the turn of the century, the United States has been the world leader in creating opportunities for demand response (DR) in wholesale electricity markets. Beginning in the early 2000s and starting on the East Coast, DR provides necessary energy and capacity resources when increased wholesale prices are high, driven by generation capacity and transmission congestion constraints.
Today, the markets have evolved to allow DR to provide ancillary services such as non-spinning reserves, spinning reserves and even frequency and voltage support to its consumers. Even with all of its success over the last two decades, DR has been viewed as a “siloed,” or standalone, application with little communication and connection to other grid resources like storage or renewable energy resources.
The rapid growth of renewables and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are quickly building traction for flexible and efficient power for our new energy era. Join our next Q&A interview with guest, Mr. Malme, for "15-Minutes That Matter" and learn how you and your utilities-- should be looking at ways to leverage Smart Grid communications for Smart City applications.