The Demand of Nurses is Increasing Globally: Binawan Group Dispatches 100 Indonesian Healthcare Professionals to Kuwait.
Binawan Group
A private holding company with businesses in education, healthcare, human resources, hospitality & property sectors.
JAKARTA, 10 MARCH 2022 - Binawan Group (Binawan) dispatches 100 Indonesian nurses and other healthcare professionals to meet the demand of healthcare workers in Kuwait. Since June 2021, Binawan has deployed 30 nurses to Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates and is planning to dispatch another 500 nurses and healthcare professionals by June 2022. This is part of Binawan’s commitment to meet the demands of Indonesian healthcare professionals in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Japan.
WHO states that the need for healthcare workers, especially nurses, currently reaches 6 million globally. The International Council of Nurses predicts that this number will reach 13 million nurses globally by 2030. The President Director of Binawan Group, Said Saleh Alwaini, stated, "by seeing the need and potentials, we are committed to train and prepare professional Indonesian healthcare workers to meet the global needs. We will achieve this through Binawan’s International Healthcare Training Program (IHTP) to improve the competency of Indonesian healthcare workers as well as build their capacity.
100 healthcare professionals who will soon leave for Kuwait are trained, ready and sufficiently meet the global competency standards. IHTP collaborates with other institutions to recruit healthcare professionals who are interested in working abroad and provide training to meet the required international standards. They must be well prepared by taking foreign language courses, matriculation of nursing competencies, and various other training of special skills according to the standards specified by healthcare facilities abroad. In addition to these various pieces of training, they are required to take the International licensing test such as Prometric. Binawan also organizes preparation courses for this test. These professionals will be employed by four healthcare facilities in Kuwait, namely Alia International Hospital, Nas Clinic, Alorf Hospital, and Royal Hayat Hospital.
"In the past 20 years, especially within the last 2 years, Binawan is able to become the only International employment company in Indonesia that has placed healthcare professionals abroad. Binawan aims to get more support from other key stakeholders, especially the Government of Indonesia : the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Health, to jointly build a strong and healthy ecosystem in establishing Indonesia as a credible source of healthcare professionals to meet the global needs. This can be done simply by facilitating the nurses who aspire to work overseas” Said concluded.
The placement of Indonesian healthcare professionals abroad cannot be done solely by Binawan. This program can be implemented only with full support from various stakeholders including the educational and training institutions and healthcare service providers in Indonesia. Binawan not only has full trust and good cooperation with these stakeholders, but also from the Indonesian Embassy in Kuwait and the Kuwaiti Embassy in Jakarta.?
The ceremony for the departure of 100 Indonesian healthcare professionals to Kuwait was also attended by the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Abdulwahab Abdullah Al Sager, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the State of Kuwait H.E.? Mrs.? Lena Maryana Mukti. The two representatives from the two countries expressed their respective support for Binawan's placement program for health professionals to Kuwait.
H.E. Mr. Abdulwahab Abdullah Al Sager pointed out that the State of Kuwait is keen to develop and strengthen the relationship with the Republic of Indonesia in all fields. They encourage the bilateral relation between the two countries in terms of sending trained medical personnel who will work as nurses with different specializations in many hospitals in the State of Kuwait. The Ambassador also explained that there are exchanges of correspondence between the two friend countries to reach the agreed draft MOU to implement and develop cooperation in the health sector including prevention and control of diseases, pharmaceutical and medical devices, health services, public health, and the development of human resources.
H.E.? Mrs.? Lena Maryana Mukti conveyed that there is a huge potential for Indonesian skilled healthcare personnel to work in Kuwait that Indonesia could take advantage of. The Ambassador stated that they are still receiving requests for nurses in private hospitals in Kuwait which are mostly fulfilled by Binawan. In her speech, the Ambassador also asked the Indonesian government to facilitate MOUs with the manpower placement agencies and simplify the bureaucratic process for Indonesian workers who will work in Kuwait.