Demand for Establishment of International Commission of Inquiry (ICI) on COVID19
M. Balasharmila Rao, MEng Petroleum, LSS Black Belt (CSSC), Design Thinking (NUS)
Driving Innovation & Operational Excellence through Lean Six Sigma and Design Thinking
I hereby urge the leaders of the free world to vehemently demand for the establishment of an International Commission of Inquiry (ICI) by the United Nations to commence the conduct of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and investigate the handling of the COVID19 pandemic by the Chinese Government during the pandemic's early stages. Pandemic responses of all nations should also be observed for lapses and best practices.
China should extend its utmost cooperation to the ICI. During this inquiry, all national Bio Safety Laboratories (BSL) handling virology research in China should be accessed by the members of the ICI.
A comprehensive report should be prepared. Among many other things, the report should highlight systematic and unequivocal pandemic responses which should be mounted by EVERY COUNTRY.
Depending on the outcome of the inquiry, the following recommendations should be considered:
1) Develop a strong international punitive framework to include any proven lapses or malpractice in pandemic handling by ANY COUNTRY as CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Nations which fail to comply to the framework should be tried in similar accordance to the Nazis and Imperial Japanese Army during the post WWII trials.
2) Financial retributions from China to countries worst affected by COVID19. If there were to be Belt and Road Projects in those countries, then the financial retributions can be compensated by factoring in the commercials of those projects. Not all countries are rich to announce stimulus packages. This will serve as a powerful deterrent force, making ANY COUNTRY to think twice about their pandemic preparedness and control plan.
If China do not agree to the establishment of ICI - I am pretty sure that both China and Russia could exercise their 'democratic' VETO powers, then the following strategy can be deployed:
1) Declare a global unified economic sanctions on China
2) Countries to pull out their manufacturing bases from China and relocate to other nations with affordable labour market - Japan is already leading the way to prevent supply chain disruptions
3) Place a global travel moratorium on all Chinese travellers
For my friends who could be triggered by this post due to your ethnicity affiliation, fret not. I would have proposed the same Draconian measures if such pandemic were to originate in my country or my ancestor's motherland.
COVID19 is not the first and definitely won't be the last of its kind. Everyone has suffered a great deal under this pandemic. Many questions remain unanswered. Responsible parties should come clean. Let's hope.
For Mankind.