Delving Into The Mystery Folder
I have a mystery folder. Sounds cool right? I wish it was cool, unfortunately it’s one of those lessons you learn the hard way. What am I on about you ask? Let me explain…
You know how you hear about people who haven’t backed up their laptop or phone and then either the hard drive crashes or they lose it and curse their foolishness for not having a back up? Well I learnt that lesson in the early 2000’s and lost a heap of my early digital photographs, I’m still cursing myself.
I learnt my lesson, and started backing up. With my real estate photos I never kept a copy of everything, there would literally be tens of thousands, maybe even hundred of thousands of images.
So I kept only the stuff I really liked. If it was a nice house or apartment I kept everything and labeled the images so I knew the address. But if there was just one image out of say a few I liked, then I just saved that image into the mystery folder – the downside is no address, no way of remembering where it came from.
Now I have this mystery folder of nice images, I don’t recall where they came from, I don’t know the suburb, I don’t even remember the agent I shot them for.
New lesson learnt, label everything!
On the plus side though I have lots of random, nice images from the adventures over the years to share and from time to time I’ll post them to the blog so you can enjoy them too.
Wouldn’t it be weird if you are seeing these random images and realise “Hey, that’s my house!”. If that does happen please let me know the suburb, at least I can go back and fix my labeling lesson!