Delusions Of Grandeur
It was another abnormally pleasant day for the 13th of March when finding our temps in the upper sixties this afternoon, and unfortunately I wasn't able to be out enjoying it much due to the numerous emails, phone calls and appointments I had at office.
I couldn't help thinking about a conversation I had yesterday morning with a 'native' regarding the the many years we've had to endure the thoughtless decisions being made by our City government and Council. Knowing how soft spoken she's always been over the years, I was a bit shocked when hearing her say, “We need to get rid of our City Administrator, the department heads, and vote out every one of our Council members, and then we'll truly have a fresh start.” I wasn't surprised to hear a number of people mentioning how insane the idea of selling off part of a much-needed parking lot to another out of town developer. One sharp-tongued individual even went so far as saying our Development Director is so stupid, he likely wouldn't even get a passing grade on a general knowledge test. Ouch! Oh well, it's just another example of like minds working in the same furrows.
Having not too many days ago talked about all the theft and vandalism in our downtown, it came as no surprise to see some evil person or persons, had broken eight windows in our 'Historic Downtown' last night, so I'm sure the owners were seeing red when they discovered them. If the powers that be in our city want to do something worthwhile, they can install police surveillance cameras at every street corner and back alleyways in our downtown which would definitely help in putting a stop to it. I'm now wondering when they'll start breaking the windows in that apartment building that's under construction, because for whatever reason, those night demons seem to enjoy destroying newer components all the more.
Over these past two days whenever I had at least half hour intervals of free free time, I was back in my work area to continue cracking those black walnuts I'd harvested last Fall. For whatever reason, they're now easier to crack than they were in previous years, and I believe it's because I allowed them to 'cure' several months longer, so if they continue to be less trouble, I'll have to repeat the process next year.
The one thing I do enjoy about cracking them, is the time it allows for some darned good deep thinking, and sometimes I get so carried away with my thoughts, the time seems to fly by all the faster. I fully understand how those who work monotonous jobs in factories can keep their sanity intact. Some day I'll have to have a nice chat with such an employee about their thoughts while working.
The highlight of my day, was having received in my office mail, a beautiful thank you card from one of the trustees of First Baptist Church which contained soulful words of thanks regarding my playing their vintage pipe organ this past Sunday. Those words of gratitude solidified my agreement to play for them once a month. Due to my having played for too many years at a church which I rarely if ever got even the slightest acknowledgement, such words of thanks are still surprising. Without question, the members of St. Paul Lutheran, First Congregational and First Baptist have thanked me far more than I ever would've expected, and for their kind words of thanks, I fully bless them.
This afternoon I met with another couple who've decided it's time to purchase, so I went ahead and made notes of their housing requirements, and then proceeded to fill them in on the process from the beginning to end, just so they'd be up to speed when the time comes where they're wanting to make an offer on a home. Having worked with the husband's parents in years past, our levels of comfort were where they needed to be. I did thank them for remembering me.
I did place a call to my dear friend who's struggling with the flu, and glad to find she seemed to be feeling better, so hopefully she's well on the road to recovery. She gave me a good belly laugh with her comment about someone I recently wrote about in a cloaked manner when saying, “Don't worry, he's so wrapped up in his own delusions of grandeur, he wouldn't have known it was him even if you included his name.” Too funny!
Tonight's One-liner is: All the many more are missing invaluable opportunities to hold their tongues.
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