Delta Resources Ltd. (DLTA-V): Delta further expands land position at the Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On February 16, 2023, Delta announced that it continues to further expand its land position at the Delta-1 property near Thunder Bay, Ontario. Following the previous acquisitions announced in 2022 (see: Delta has acquired the exclusive rights to buy the surface and mining rights to an additional property adjacent to its Delta-1 property package. The 47-ha property is contiguous with the Delta-1 property and located immediately west of the Eureka Gold Zone. Delta has now secured a land position on strike with the Eureka gold deposit for a strike length exceeding 4.5km.
Delta now controls an area of 5,880ha straddling the Shebandowan Structural Zone in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt. The Delta-1 property covers a 17km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which also hosts the 4.17 million-ounce Moss Lake gold deposit which is ~50km to the west. Delta-1 has an emerging gold mineralized zone 950m long outlined through drilling in a multi-kilometre-scale intense alteration halo. Best grades to date include a drill intercept of 14.8 g/t Au over 11.9m, within a broader interval of 5.92 g/t Au over 31m. The zone is open in all directions.
Delta entered into a 5-year lease agreement with the surface and mining rights landowners. During the 5-year lease period, Delta shall have the exclusive right to explore the property and to purchase a 100% interest in both the surface and mining rights to the property. Should Delta elect to purchase the property, it shall pay market value times ten (10). Delta has made a one-time cash payment of $60,000 to the landowners to cover the 5-year lease. There are no work commitments nor were any shares to be issued. Should Delta elect to purchase the property during the 5-year period, the landowners shall retain a 2% NSR royalty of which Delta can elect to buy back 1% at anytime for the sum of $1M.
See also:
Important Disclosures
Delta Resources Ltd.?????????????????????????????
C????????????The Mining Analyst, in his own account or in a family related account, owns securities in excess of 30,000 shares of the issued and outstanding equity securities of this issuer.
R????????????This issuer has indirectly paid the Mining Analyst.?
UPDATE - March 1, 2023:
Delta intersects visible gold in multiple drill holes at the Eureka Gold Zone on the Delta-1 Project in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On March 1, 2023 Delta announced preliminary visual observations from its ongoing drill program at the Delta-1 Project ~50km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The Delta-1 Project is located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and covers a 17km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which also hosts the Moss Lake and East Coldstream gold deposits of Goldshore Resources (GSHR-V), ~50km to the west. Goldshore is completing a 100,000-m drill program at the Moss Lake Project and recent results from the East Coldstream area, ~13km NE of the Moss Lake Deposit (4.17M oz Au inferred resource), ?have confirmed the potential for significant high-grade shears up to 3.49 g/t Au over 26.35m (CED-22-010), 1.07 g/t Au over 31m and 1.48 g/t Au over 18.45m (CED-22-011), 0.94 g/t Au over 25.05m (CED-22-014) and 1.23 g/t Au over 35.15m (CED-22-017) (
Eastern extensions being confirmed: The Delta-1 drill program is currently investigating the eastern extension of the high-grade gold zone previously intersected in drill holes D1-22-18, D1-22-24 and D1-22-25. Recall on February 9, 2023 Delta had reported final assay results from drill holes D1-22-24 and D1-22-25 with gold mineralization of 30.66 g/t Au over 1m (within a broader interval of 5.32 g/t Au over 8m) and intercepts of 130 g/t Au over 1m and 16.42 g/t Au over 1.5m (see:
To date, 11 drill holes have been completed for a total of 2,975m and the mineralized zone has been observed in every drill hole completed so far. ?Visible gold has been observed in 5 of the 11 drill holes (DDH D1-23-30, 31, 33, 34, and 35), further extending the mineralized zone for another 400m to the east of drill hole D1-22-25.
Eureka open at depth: The drill hole spacings are at 100m step-outs with each step out consisting of 2 holes fence drilled from the same coordinates and inclined at -40° and -65° angle toward the south to create vertical sections for each 100-m interval. Every occurrence of visible gold was observed in quartz/ankerite/pyrite veins and veinlets forming a stockwork within highly altered and brecciated intermediate to mafic volcanics. Visible gold is typically millimetric, but larger grains are locally observed. Alteration of the volcanics consists of strong silicification, ankeritization as well as sericitization and albitization. These new observations suggest that the newly discovered high-grade gold zone extends 600m towards east from drill hole D1-22-18 and that the broader mineralized zone is now defined over a strike length of 1.35 km with the vertical depth having been tested only up to ~220m. The mineralized zone trends roughly 100°-110° azimuth, dips between 50° and 80° towards the north and saliently, the Eureka Zone remains open towards the East and likely very much at depth.
André Tessier, President and CEO stated: "The preliminary observations of these most recent drill holes at Delta-1 continue to be extremely encouraging. The mineralized zone keeps extending to the east with indications of higher-grade potential to the east and at depth. The visual identification of native gold and strong alteration over persistent widths, is a great sign, and the team is eagerly awaiting the assay results from these holes".
UPDATE - April 12, 2023:
Delta intersects 4.23 g/t Au over 26.2m within a broader interval of 2.06 g/t Au over 65.8m at Delta-1 in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On April 12, 2023 Delta disclosed assay results from the first 5 drill holes from its 2023-Phase 1 drill program at Delta-1 Gold Project located ~50km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario. All 5 drill holes (DDH) reported (DDH D1-23-26 to D1-23-30) intersected broad zones of favourable alteration and gold mineralization. The Delta-1 Project is located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and covers a 17km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which also hosts the Moss Lake and East Coldstream gold deposits of Goldshore Resources (GSHR-V), ~50km to the west.
Gold system remains open: The NQ size drill holes D1-23-26 to D1-23-28 were drilled above drill holes D1-22-18, D1-22-22 and appear to have intersected the gold-mineralized halo surrounding the higher-grade gold zones. Mineralization in DDH D1-23-29 is cut by a late, post-mineral diabase dike that locally splits the gold zone. DDH D1-23-30, the easternmost drill intercept on the Eureka Zone, returned assays of 4.23 g/t Au over 26.2m (including a 1.1m @ 49.91 g/t Au), within a broader zone of 0.97 g/t Au over 162.8m (starting at ~70m depth) and is located 100m east of drill hole D1-22-25 (up to?130 g/t Au over 1m (with intervals of 1.2 g/t Au over 20m ?and 1.66 g/t Au over 18.1m) (see: True widths are stated to range between 60% to 87% of reported lengths depending on the inclination of drill holes. We estimate for the disclosed 5 DDHs a grade x true thickness metric of 25.98 g/t Au x m. To date, 30 drill holes have been completed for a total of ~6,266m on the Eureka Zone. We estimate an overall grade x true thickness metric of 20.74 g/t x m (24 intercepts).
Gold system being defined and more to come: The gold mineralization at Delta-1 Gold Project is generally located at the contact between sandstones to the north and mafic volcanics to the south. Kilometre-scale, texture destructive alteration consists of intense ankeritization, albitization, sericitization and silicification. Gold mineralization consists of a network of multiple generations of quartz-ankerite-pyrite veinlets locally with disseminated grains of visible gold and appears spatially associated with feldspar porphyry intrusive dykes that crosscut both rock types and all 3 rock units (sandstones, mafic volcanics and feldspar porphyry dykes) are mineralized and altered. The mineralized Eureka Zone trends roughly N100° azimuth, dips 80° towards the north, and has now been intersected over a strike length of ~1.5km and only to a vertical depth of ~220m. Towards the east, as gold grades seem to increase, the Eureka Zone appears to turn to an azimuth of N115° azimuth and the change of orientation could be source of the improved gold grades and widths. Assays are pending on 7 additional drill holes to the east and results should be released in the coming weeks following QA/QC protocols. Recall on March 1, 2023 Delta had also reported visible gold in DDH D1-23-30, 31, 33, 34, and 35 potentially again extending the mineralized zone for another ~400m to the east of drill hole D1-22-25. (see: With a robust grade x true thickness metric above 20 g/t Au x m, we see the Eureka Zone emerging as a tantalizing target.
André Tessier, President and CEO stated: "The gold zone at Delta-1 continues to provide us with very exciting results as we move eastward and at depth. The higher-grade zone persists, within a broad halo that remains above the cut off grade of most open-pit operations in Canada and throughout the world. We expect to receive assay results from the remaining seven drill holes within a few weeks and look forward to integrate this new data in anticipation of Delta's next phase of drilling expected to begin in late-April after spring thaw".
See also:
UPDATE - April 20, 2023:
Delta intersects wide zones of gold mineralization near surface, up to 1.29 g/t Au over 97m and 0.55 g/t Au over 238.5m at Delta-1 in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On April 20, 2023 Delta disclosed additional assay results from 2 drill holes from its 2023-Phase 1 drill program at Delta-1 Gold Project located ~50km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario. ?Recall at the end of March 2023, Delta completed 13 drill holes for a total of 3,506m at the Delta-1Gold Project. The winter drilling tested a 600m extension of the Eureka Gold Zone towards the east, extending the total strike length of the mineralized zone to ~1.5 km.
Gold system continues to expand eastward: Assay results from 2 additional drill holes (D1-23-31 and D1-23-32), drilled on the same drill-pad, define a N-S section, 100m east of an intercept of 4.23 g/t Au over 26.2m from drill hole D1-23-30 reported on April 12, 2023 and 300m from an intercept of 5.92 g/t Au over 31m in drill hole D1-22-18 reported on October 15, 2022. ?Both drill holes D1-23-31 and D1-23-32 intercepted wide zones of near-surface gold mineralization in intensely altered rocks. To date, 30 drill holes have been completed for a total of ~6,266m on the Eureka Zone. We estimate an overall grade x true thickness metric of 22.57 g/t x m for the Eureka Zone.
Geometry being refined: Through 3D modeling and with Delta's 2023-Phase 1 drill results to date, the geometry of the gold mineralized zone appears to emerge as 3 distinct zones of higher-grade mineralization within an envelope of lower-grade material. From north to south, the zones have been labelled: "Alpha, Beta and Gamma".
The Beta Zone appears the most important so far, but each zone likely pinch and swell, sometimes converging into very wide zones. Each of these gold zones have the potential to expand or host high-grade mineralization shoots. We understand that the Gamma Zone has never been tested near surface while some drill holes have collared directly into the Alpha Zone.
More to come: Assays are pending from 5 additional drill holes to the east (DDHs D1-23-33, 34, 35, 36 and 38). The Delta-1 project is located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and covers a 17 km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which may be emerging a as gold hot spot with Goldshore Resources (GSHR-V), Mistango River Resources (MIS-CSE) ( and Thunder Gold Corp. (TGOL-V)?(, among others. Delta is currently planning an additional 5,000m drill campaign and expects to announce a resumption of drilling shortly.
André Tessier, President and CEO, stated: "These latest Delta 1 results contain economic widths and grade of gold mineralization in a very strong, pervasive and expansive alteration zone. Delta is slowly defining a very large mineralized system. As our understanding of the mineralized zone improves, our chances of finding similar zones elsewhere at the Delta-1 project also improve. We believe that we have barely scratched the surface of this exciting project".
See also:
UPDATE - April 24, 2023:
Delta Resources resumes 2023 drilling program and provides visuals of drill hole D1-23-38 at the Delta-1 in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On April 24, 2023 Delta reported that it shall resume drilling this week at the Delta-1 Project in Thunder Bay, with an additional 5,000m diamond drilling. The program shall be predominantly aimed at the "Deep Blue" magnetic low anomaly spanning over 1.5km SE from drill hole D1-23-38 where Delta is disclosing visuals of the mineralized zone encountered in drill hole D1-23-38, for which assays are still pending. Significant visible gold was observed in D1-23-38 at drill hole depths of 63.4 to 69.2m in intensely altered mafic volcanic rocks.
Open Eastwards: The "Deep-Blue" magnetic low anomaly is believed to be associated with magnetite-destruction alteration associated with the gold-mineralizing processes. Drill hole D1-23-38 is the only drill hole to date that has tested near the "Deep Blue" magnetic low anomaly.
The winter drilling tested a 600m extension of the Eureka Gold Zone towards the east, extending the total strike length of the mineralized zone to >1.5 km. ?The Delta-1 project is located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and covers a 17 km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone.
André Tessier, President and CEO, stated: "We are extremely excited by the visuals from drill hole D1-23-38 and look forward to assay results. We are just as excited to announce the commencement of our next 5,000 m drill program which will focus on drilling eastward from hole 38 within the expansive "Deep Blue" magnetic low geophysical target!".
UPDATE - April 25, 2023:
Delta continues to intersect additional wide near surface gold zones, including up to 1.15 g/t Au over 89.7m, at Delta-1 in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On April 25, 2023 Delta disclosed assay results from 2 additional drill holes from its 2023-Phase 1 drill program at Delta-1 Gold Project located ~50km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario. Recall at the end of March 2023, Delta completed 13 drill holes for a total of 3,506m that investigated a 600-m extension of the Eureka Gold Zone towards the east. Holes D1-23-33 and D1-23-34 were drilled on the same drill-pad and define a 2-hole fan on a N-S section located 100m east of an intercept of 1.29 g/t Au over 97m from drill hole D1-23-31 reported on April 20, 2023 (, 200m east from another intercept of 4.23 g/t Au over 26.2m from drill hole D1-23-30 reported on April 12, 2023 (, and 400m east from an intercept of 5.92 g/t Au over 31m in drill hole D1-22-18 reported on October 19, 2022 ( Both drill holes D1-23-33 and D1-23-34 are collared in mineralization and intercepted wide zones of near-surface gold in intensely altered rocks.
We estimate the overall grade x true thickness metric for 27 holes (7,221m) at 22.72 g/t Au x m.
The Eureka mineralized zone trends N100° azimuth, dips 80° towards the north, and has now been intersected over a strike length of >1.5km and to only a vertical depth of ~220m. Towards the east, the gold grades appear to locally increase and the zone appears to turn to an azimuth of N115° and may suggest a more favourable segment of the structural zone towards a ?magnetic low anomaly (“Deep-Blue") believed to be associated with magnetite-destruction alteration (see:
Again, the gold mineralization is generally located at the contact between sandstones to the north and mafic volcanics to the south, spatially associated with feldspar porphyry intrusive dikes that crosscut both rock types. All three rock types are mineralized and altered with intense ankeritization, albitization, silicification and sericitization. Gold mineralization consists of a network of multiple generations of quartz-ankerite-pyrite veinlets locally with disseminated grains of impressive visible gold. Assays are now pending from 3 of these drill holes to the east and results shall be reported when received and interpreted. Delta is currently planning an additional 5,000m drill campaign and to announce a resumption of drilling shortly. Again, the Delta-1 Project is located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and covers a 17km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which also hosts the Moss Lake and East Coldstream gold deposits of Goldshore Resources (GSHR-V), ~50km to the west.
André Tessier, President and CEO stated: "These results continue to provide us with valuable information as we step out towards the intense magnetic low to the east. Although there are three more holes to the east which remain to be reported, with hole 38 on the edge of the magnetic low, we are already anxiously anticipating the next 5,000 metre drill program announced just yesterday. As stated previously, we believe that we are only beginning to reveal the extent of this very large gold system”.
See also:
UPDATE - May 15, 2023:
Delta intersects 1,636 g/t and 697 g/t Au over 1 m intervals and reports visible gold in two step-out holes in initial phase 2 drilling at Delta-1 in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On May 11, 2023 Delta reported final drill assay results its 2023-Phase 1 drill program at Delta-1 Gold Project located ~50km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario. Final assay results from the last 4 drill holes (D1-23-35 to D1-23-38) suggest that the wide intercepts of gold mineralization at the Eureka Zone (Alpha, Beta and Gamma sub zones) intersected near surface extend to the east with some faulting and pinching. Confirmation Hole D1-23-37 was collared on the same drill-pad as drill hole D1-22-09 and intercepted a wide zone of alteration and low-grade gold mineralization in the Alpha and Beta Zones with significant grades in the Gamma Zone. Recall mineralization is being defined by additional 100 metres step-out drill holes to the east. The wide intercepts of gold mineralization intersected near surface in drill holes D1-23-35 and D1-23-36, extended this style of mineralization an additional 100 metres eastwards of the previously reported drill holes (D1-23-33 and D1-23-34). The metal factor has decreased slightly however. Further east, drill hole D1-23-38 intersected exceptionally high-grade gold mineralization of up to 1m @ 1,636 g/t Au in narrower intervals east of an interpreted NE-trending cross fault that displaced the mineralized zone apparently towards the south. Delta says it is unclear at this point how this high-grade mineralization correlates with the very wide intervals of lower grade west of the cross structure intersected by D1-23-33 to D1-23-36. Delta notes that vein widths, density of veining and grade distribution can be highly variable within these large gold systems and hole D1-23-38 is typical of that variability along the favourable structure and geophysical target. However, gold system remains open to the east and, more importantly, at depth.
Delta also provided initial observations on the first drill holes of the 5,000 metre Phase 2 drilling at the Delta-1 Project. Recall on April 24, 2023 Delta had reported that it had resumed diamond drilling ( The Phase 2 program is targeting the "Deep Blue" magnetic low anomaly spanning over 1.5km SE from drill hole D1-23-38. Delta disclosed that the first step out drill holes another 100m step out to the east of drill hole D1-23-38, appear to mark a return to the very wide intervals of gold mineralization and alteration with visible gold observed in both drill holes. Drill holes D1-23-40 and D1-23-41 are the first drill holes directly testing the "Deep Blue" Target.
More to come: The Delta-1 Project is located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and covers a 17km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which also hosts the Moss Lake and East Coldstream gold deposits of Goldshore Resources (GSHR-V), ~50km to the west. ?André Tessier, President and CEO, stated: "We are extremely excited by the visuals from drill hole D1-23-38 and look forward to assay results. We are just as excited to announce the commencement of our next 5,000 m drill program which will focus on drilling eastward from hole 38 within the expansive "Deep Blue" magnetic low geophysical target!".
Delta also announced on April 27, 2023 that it has entered into bought deal financing (Cormark Securities Inc., as lead underwriter), to raise ~$8M through i) Flow-through “FT“ units at a price of $0.63 per FT Unit (gross proceeds of ~$4.5M) ?and ii) Hard Dollar “HD“ units of the at a price of $0.45 per HD Unit (( gross proceeds of ~$3M). Each FT and HD Unit shall also include one-half of one common share purchase warrant at an exercise price of $0.63 for a period of 2 years. The net proceeds from the issue of the HD Units will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes. The Offering is expected to close around May 17, 2023.
Finally, on May 4, 2023 Delta reported that it had acquired 8 additional claims near its Delta-1 property and issued 80,000 shares to earn a 100% interest in the claims. The vendor retains a 2% NSR of which Delta can elect to buy back 1% at any time for the sum of $1M. With this agreement, Delta adds an additional 177 ha to its 5,830 ha property in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and we anticipate additional acreage to be acquired.
See also:
UPDATE - June 6, 2023:
Delta announces the commencement of a 20,000-metre drill program and mobilizes a second drill rig at the Delta-1 Property, in Thunder Bay, Ontario
Delta reported on June 6, 2023 the commencement of a 20,000 m drill program at the Delta-1 Gold project, 50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt. Delta shall be mobilizing a second drill rig to further accelerate the drill campaign. Recall on April 24, 2023 Delta had reported that it had resumed a phase 2, 5,000m, diamond drilling program ?( which is currently underway and nearing completion. This new 20,000 m drilling program is in addition to the 5,000 m program an both programs are designed to expand the current mineralized Eureka Gold Zone along strike and at depth. Delta shall also test property-scale targets with similar geological and geophysical signatures as the Eureka Gold Zone.
Recall on May 11, 2023, Delta had reported final drill assay results from its 2023-Phase 1 drill program ( Delta’s initial observations on the first drill holes of the 5,000 metre Phase 2 drilling targeting the "Deep Blue" magnetic low anomaly spanning had suggested continuance? of the mineralized gold system to the ESE.?Delta has expanded the mineralized trend to almost 2km which remains very much open at depth.
André Tessier, President and CEO stated: "This is a very exciting time at Delta and at the Delta-1 Property. Delta's recent closing of a $10M bought deal financing has provided us with the resources needed to further expand the gold zone while thoroughly exploring the property at large, where many exploration targets remain untested. We anticipate getting the initial results from our current drilling program shortly and look forward to the many anticipated results to come with this accelerated program".
See also:
UPDATE - July 13, 2023:
Delta expands and doubles it land position at the Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On July 13, 2023, Delta announced that it has doubled its land position at the Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Delta has now acquired the exclusive rights to an additional 4 mineral exploration properties covering a total of ~4,716 ha contiguous to its original Delta-1 property package. Following the previous acquisitions announced in 2022 and early 2023 (see: and ?; Delta has acquired the mining rights to an additional land package adjacent to its original Delta-1 property package. This has further secured a land position on strike with the Eureka gold deposit for a strike length exceeding 4.5 km. Delta now controls an area of ~10,700 ha straddling the Shebandowan Structural Zone in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt.
Property 1: The first exploration property consists of patented ground including both surface and mining rights, covering ~59 ha, located contiguous to the Delta-1 property and on strike to Eureka. During its due diligence, Delta grab samples returned up to 10 g/t Au. Delta has entered into a 5-year lease agreement with the surface and mining rights landowner. During the lease period, Delta shall have the exclusive right to explore the property and to purchase a 100% interest in both the surface and mining rights to the property. Should Delta elect to purchase the property, it shall pay market value times ten (10). Delta has made a one-time cash payment of $90,000 to the landowners to cover the 5-year lease. Should Delta elect to purchase the property during the 5-year lease period, the landowners shall retain a 2% NSR royalty of which Delta can elect to buy back 1% at any time for the sum of $1M the remaining 1% for $4M. There are no work commitments nor were any shares issued.
Property 2: The second exploration property includes 23 claims and covers ~2,348.5 ha located immediately south of Delta-1. Delta acquired a 100% interest by making a one-time cash payment of $50,000 and the vendor retains a 2% NSR with a 0.5% buyback for $1M and an additional 0.5% buyback for $1M, and the remaining 1% for $4M. There are no work commitments nor were any shares of Delta issued.
Property 3: The third exploration property includes 97 claims and covers ~2,056.4 ha located south of Delta-1. Delta has paid $50,000 on signing with an additional $50,000 to be paid upon the 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th Anniversary for a total of $250,000. The vendor retains a 2% NSR of which Delta can elect to buy back 1% at any time for $1M and the remaining 1% for $4M. There are no shares issued nor work commitments.
Property 4: The fourth exploration property consists of 12 claims covering ~252 ha contiguous and south of the Delta-1 Property. Delta acquired a 100% interest in the property by making a one-time $45,000 cash payment on signing and the vendors retain a 2% NSR royalty of which Delta can elect to buy back 1% at any time for $1M and retain a first right of refusal on the remaining NSR (up to $4M). There are no work commitments nor were any shares of Delta issued.
The Delta-1 property is situated in the heart of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and now covers an ~20 km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which also hosts the 6M oz Au Moss Lake gold deposit ~50 km to the west.
UPDATE - August 28, 2023:
Delta Resources completes 1% NSR purchase and wins award for Delta-1 near Thunder Bay, Ontario
Delta announced on August 28, 2023 that it has paid $50,000 to the Ontario Exploration Corporation (“OEC”) to buy back the remaining 50% of a 1% NSR Royalty on its Delta-1 property 50 km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario. On January 7, 2020, Delta had announced that it had signed an agreement to purchase 50% of the OECs NSR at Delta-1 by paying the sum of $50,000. The agreement also allowed for Delta to purchase the second 50% tranche at anytime by paying the OEC an additional $50,000. Following the purchase of the second 50% tranche, Delta has now purchased the entire NSR Royalty currently owned by the OEC on the Delta-1 Property. The OEC had owned a 1% NSR on the claims covering the Eureka Gold prospect, Matawin and Kaspar gold occurrences and a 0.5% NSR on the claims surrounding the Kaspar occurrence. André Tessier, President and CEO of Delta stated: “We are extremely pleased to have concluded this transaction. Completing this transaction at this time should go a long way in building shareholder value in our opinion. Delta would like to take the opportunity to thank the Ontario Prospector’s Association and the Ontario Exploration Corporation for facilitating this transaction”.
Delta Resources Chosen for the Discovery of the Year: Delta was awarded the 2022 Bernie Schnieders Discovery of the Year Award from the Northwestern Ontario Prospectors Association for its Delta-1 gold project.,historically%20underexplored%20property%20since%202019. The Bernie Schnieders award recognises the celebrated Canadian geologist whose career ultimately saw him working as regional resident geologist with the Ontario Geological Survey when he died in 2005.
On July 31, 2023, Delta also announced the appointment of Justin Reid to its Board of Directors. Mr. Reid is the CEO of Troilus Gold Corp. (TLG-T). A geologist and capital markets executive with over 25 years of experience focused exclusively on the mineral resource space; Mr. Reid holds a B.Sc from the University of Regina, a M.Sc from the University of Toronto and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He started his career as a geologist with the Saskatchewan Geological Survey and Cominco Global Exploration after which he became a partner and senior mining analyst at Sprott/Cormark Securities in Toronto. He was then named Executive General Manager at Paladin Energy, where he was responsible for leading all merger and acquisition, corporate and market related activities. He is the former Managing Director Global Mining Sales at National Bank Financial, where he directed the firm’s sales and trading in the mining sector. He acted as President and Director of Sulliden Gold Corporation, until its acquisition by Rio Alto Mining in 2014. His extensive experience in managing all facets of an exploration company as well as his deep knowledge of the capital markets is an added value for Delta.
The Delta-1 property is situated in the heart of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and covers an ~20 km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which also hosts the 6M oz Au Moss Lake gold deposit ~50 km to the west. Summer 2023 drill results are expected following a thorough compilation.
UPDATE - August 30, 2023:
Grant from the Ontario Junior Exploration Program: ?Delta reported on August 30, 2023 that it has been selected to receive up to $200,000 from the Ontario Junior Exploration Program ("OJEP") to further advance its exploration efforts at the Delta-1 property in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Delta is in the midst of an extensive exploration program at its newly expanded Delta-1 project, including up to 20,000 m of drilling, a surface geological mapping program, further prospecting and sampling. Assay results remain pending for over 40 drill holes totalling ~14,000 m.
UPDATE - May 1, 2024:
Delta Resources Inc. (DLTA-V)
Delta expands its land position at the Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On May 1, 2024, Delta announced expansion of its 100% owned Delta-1 Gold project located ~50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario along the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt.? ??Delta continues to further expand its land position at the Delta-1 by acquiring exclusive rights to a 100% interest in the Laurie and Horne properties. This addition to the Delta-1 property package adds 113 claim units covering ~2,400 ha.? The claims are relatively contiguous with the Delta-1 property and Delta now controls an area of 13,100 ha straddling the Shebandowan Structural Zone in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt.
Strategic Positioning: Recall on April 9, 2024, Delta had announced assay results for 6 drill holes, and 1 drill hole extension, from its ongoing 2024 drill campaign on the Eureka Gold Zone (see: Gold mineralization at Eureka, occurs within a WNW-ESE broad corridor of highly altered (ankerite-calcite-silicification and albitization) rocks exhibiting highly anomalous gold values of up to 0.2 g/t Au. Higher-grade mineralization within this corridor is associated with a stockwork of quartz-ankerite-pyrite-gold veinlets that remain open laterally and at depth. Recall on July 23 and? February 16, 2023, Delta had expanded its land position at the Delta-1 Project (see: This following land acreage increases in 2022 when the Eureka Zone was initially recognized (see:
The Delta-1 property covers a ~19km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone and any additional acreage in the area is viewed as positive and the Horne property area may cover the eastern extension of the Eureka Zone and the Deep Blue target.
Good Sense: Delta reached an agreement with Sky Gold Corp ( whereby; Delta shall assume agreements with a previous vendor to acquire a 100% interest in both the Laurie and Horne properties. Upon signing of the agreement, Delta shall issue 1.4M shares to Sky and pay the sum of $75,000. Sky shall retain a 1% NSR Royalty and have the option to buyback a 0.5% NSR at anytime for $1M and also have a right of first refusal on the second 0.5% NSR. 1M common shares are subject to a 1-year transfer restriction and 400,000 shares are subject to a 4-month hold. Delta shall also pay the original vendor the sum of $350,000 over 3-year period ($50,000, $100,000 and $200,000 respectively in years 1, 2 and 3) and incur a total of $1M in exploration expenditures over the same period. The terms are divided equally between both Laurie and Horne properties.
See also:
UPDATE - May 23, 2024:
Delta options Band-Ore Gold Property and further expands its land position in Thunder Bay, Ontario
Delta announced on May 23, 2024, that it has entered into an agreement with Golden Share Resources Corporation (GSH-V) permitting it to acquire a 100% interest in the Band-Ore Property. The Band-Ore Property is located ~2km west of the Delta-1 Property and is ~10 km long covering ~2,115 ha near Lake Shebandowan and comprises 16 patented mining claims, 1 mining claim lease, and 109 staked mining claims in Hagey and Conacher Townships of Ontario. With this option, Delta now controls an area of 15,200ha in the central-north portion of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, which includes the gold-endowed, crustal-scale Shebandowan Structural Zone that hosts Delta's emerging Eureka Gold Zone. The 100% owned Delta-1 Gold project is located ~50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario along the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and is well located along the Trans-Canada Highway.
The terms of the agreement with Golden Share are, thru staged payments, a total consideration of $2M in cash and shares and a 2% NSR royalty (with a 1% buyback for $3M and right of first refusal on the second 1% NSR). If Delta defines a NI-43-101 resource on the Ban d-Ore Property after earn-in, Golden Share shall be entitled to a bonus of $0.5M for an estimate of up to 1M oz. Au and a bonus of $1M for an estimate of >1M oz. Au. There are no work commitments on the Band-Ore Property.
Gold endowment: The Band-Ore Property hosts 2 historic high-grade gold 43-101 non compliant resources totaling ~251,000oz. Au. Both the Main Zone and the No. 4 Zone are open at depth and along strike. The Main Zone was first discovered in the 1930’s and is hosted in sheared feldspar porphyry and contains a shallow historical mineral resource of 155,600 oz. of Au (705,790 tonnes at 6.86 g/t Au). The Zone No. 4 was discovered in 1981 and is located 800m SW of the Main Zone and is hosted in sheared and altered felsic to intermediate pyroclastics. A shallow historical mineral resource of 95,671 oz. Au was calculated by Noranda (616,000 tonnes @ 4.83 g/t Au and 7.71 g/t Ag). Golden Share completed extensive evaluations of historical data on the project and envisioned open-pit shear/stockwork–hosted gold targets. Golden Share intended to re-evaluate the historical gold deposits for lower grade bulk tonnage open pit potential. Conversely, the number of recognized structural zones with associated gold occurrences and alteration, and lack of extensive drill testing, suggested a potential for additional gold mineralization.
André Tessier, President, and CEO stated: "This is an important acquisition for Delta, adding another 21 square kilometres of very prospective ground to our Delta-1 property but also adding to Delta's growing gold inventory in the area. Delta's team is looking forward to applying its exploration criteria to this new property".
See also:
UPDATE - May 28, 2024:
Delta Resources Inc. (DLTA-V)
Delta further expands its land position in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
On May 28, 2024, Delta reported that it has entered into 4 four separate agreements (2 purchase agreements and 2 option agreements) whereby Delta is acquiring the exclusive rights to earn a 100% interest in a total of 330 claim units covering ~6,800 ha contiguous to its Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The ever-increasing Delta-1 Gold Project is located ~50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario along the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt.? Delta now controls an area of >22,000 ha straddling the Shebandowan Structural Zone and the Crayfish Creek Fault in the eastern portion of Shebandowan Greenstone Belt.
Increasing land position to district scale: Delta has secured additional key acreage with the following terms of agreements:
PROPERTY 1: Delta entered on May 8, 2024 into a mineral claims purchase agreement whereby it acquired a 100% interest in 22 claims, covering ~458 ha contiguous to its Delta-1 property in Duckworth Township. Delta paid the sum of $21,150 and the vendors shall retain a 2% NSR Royalty with Delta having the option to buyback a 1% NSR at anytime for $1M and a right of first refusal on the second 1% NSR up to a maximum of $4M.
PROPERTY 2: Delta entered on May 9, 2024 into a mineral claims purchase agreement whereby it acquired a 100% interest 37 claims, covering ~790 ha contiguous to Property 1 in Duckworth Township. Delta shall pay the sum of $31,850 for 100% interest and vendors retain a 2% NSR Royalty. Delta shall have the option to buyback a 1% NSR at anytime for $1M and will have a right of first refusal on the second 1% NSR up to a maximum of $4M.
PROPERTY 3 (Gold-Creek Property): Delta has entered into a mineral claims purchase agreement with Portofino Resources Corp., whereby Delta earns the exclusive right to acquire a 100% interest in 16 unpatented claims (214 claim units), covering ~4,324 ha west of its Delta-1 property in Duckworth and Lamport Townships. The Gold-Creek Property is contiguous to Property 2 and the terms of the agreement are $300,000 in cash and ~2M in shares. Vendor shall retain a 2% NSR Royalty and Delta shall have the option to buyback a 1% NSR at anytime for $1M and have a right of first refusal on the second 1% NSR, to a maximum of $4M. Delta shall also assume the underlying agreements between Portofino and previous vendors on 3 different portions of the property, therefore retaining the right to buyback 0.75% NSR for $500,000, 0.5% NSR for $300,000 and 0.75% NSR for $200,000. The Gold-Creek Property is close to excellent infrastructure including CN railway, hydro lines, and paved highway and historic work includes drill intercepts of up to 4.32 g/t Au over 41m and 4.36 g/t Au over 20.42m completed in 1995 by Landore Resources Inc. (
PROPERTY 4: Delta has entered into a mineral claims purchase agreement whereby it earns the right to acquire a 100% interest in 41 unpatented claims (57 claim units), covering ~1,224 ha west of its Delta-1 property in Duckworth and Lamport Townships, and contiguous to Gold-Creek Property. The terms of the agreement total $84,000 in cash and 600,000 shares. The Vendor shall retain a 1.5% NSR Royalty and Delta shall have the option to buy back a 0.5% NSR at any time for $600,000 and a right of first refusal on the second 1% NSR, to a maximum of $4M.
Delta has acquired a total acreage of 6,796 ha and we estimate the total cost to be ~117.86 $/ha. It is in good position to generate additional targets complimentary to the Eureka Zone and use its growing expertise.
André Tessier, President, and CEO stated: "With these acquisitions, Delta becomes the largest land-owner in the eastern portion of the belt, covering what our team deems to be the most prospective ground in the belt. Delta is assembling the building blocks to secure a dominant presence in the under-explored Shebandowan greenstone belt".
See also:
UPDATE- August 6, 2024:
Delta significantly expands its land position at the Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On August 6, 2024, Delta announced that it has acquired a 100% interest in the Ternowesky property and hence increased the footprint of Delta-1 Gold Project. The Ternowesky property consists of 443 claim units spanning over 7 townships and covering over 9,300 ha.? The expansive property brings Delta's land package to cover now more than 30,600 ha. Delta now controls district scale land positioning within the central-north portion of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, which includes the gold-endowed, crustal-scale Shebandowan Structural Zone that hosts Delta's emerging Eureka Gold Zone. Delta-1 Gold Project covers a 35-km strike extent of both the Shebandowan and Gold Creek (Crayfish Creek) deformation zones. Both structures are gold-endowed, crustal-scale structural zones at the unconformable boundary between Temiskaming-Type sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks of the Greenwater Formation. The Ternowesky property offers acreage with likely similar geological setting as Delta's Eureka Gold Zone and Delta’s technical team is well experienced to advance the whole project.
Well located: The 100% owned Delta-1 Gold Project is located ~50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario and is well located along the Trans-Canada Highway. ?Delta has reached an agreement with the Vendors whereby Delta shall pay $150,000 and issue 1.1M shares of Delta upon TSX approval of the transaction. The Vendors shall retain a 2% Net NSR Royalty. Delta shall have the option to buy back a 1% NSR at any time for $2M and have a right of first refusal on the second 1% NSR to a maximum of $4M. Half of the shares issued by Delta shall be subject to the regulatory hold of 4 months while the other half are subject to a voluntary hold of 12 months hold by the Vendors.
Establishing camp scale: Recall Delta on May 28, 2024, had entered into 4 four separate agreements to exclusive rights to earn a 100% interest in a total of 330 claim units covering ~6,800 ha contiguous to its Delta-1 Property (Portofino claims) and on May 23, 2024, had entered into an agreement with Golden Share Resources Corporation (GSH-V) permitting it to acquire a 100% interest in the Band-Ore Property. The Band-Ore Property is located ~2km west of the Delta-1 Property and is ~10 km long covering ~2,115 ha near Lake Shebandowan and comprises 16 patented mining claims, 1 mining claim lease, and 109 staked mining claims (see: On May 1, 2024, Delta had announced expansion of its 100% owned Delta-1 Gold project by acquiring exclusive rights to a 100% interest in the Laurie and Horne properties (see:
André Tessier, President, and CEO stated: "Delta has assembled an outstanding land package with significant potential for multiple deposits, not only for gold mineralization, but also for magmatic copper-nickel deposits such as the former producing Inco Mine. The Delta team is already working up new gold targets for further testing later in 2024. We are anxious to reveal the true potential of this newly acquired ground as Delta takes a significant controlling land position in the Eastern Shebandowan Greenstone Belt ".
Pierre Lassonde has famously said, “Land is Everything” …
See also:
UPDATE- August 26, 2024:
Delta accelerates the acquisition of the Horne and Laurie Properties with a new agreement at the Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario
Delta reported on August 26, 2024, that it has reached an agreement with the original Vendors of the Horne and Laurie properties at the 100% owned Delta-1 Gold Project located ~50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario along the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt. Under the new agreement, Delta shall acquire a 100% interest in both Horne and Laurie properties by issuing a total of 2M shares and issue 1,500,000 warrants of Delta, at a price of $0.12, for a period of 24 months. The new agreement shall eliminate the future cash payments of $350,000 and work commitments of $1M over the next 3 years.
Providing flexibility: Recall on May 1, 2024, Delta had announced expansion of its Delta-1 Gold Project by acquiring exclusive rights to a 100% interest in the Laurie and Horne properties thru an agreement with Sky Gold Corp. ( The expansion had added 113 claim units covering ~2,400 ha to the to the Delta-1 Project package along the Shebandowan Structural Zone in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt.
The Vendors shall retain NSR Royalty on the Horne and Laurie properties under similar terms as the NSR Royalty agreement on the original Delta-1 property option dated October 2, 2019. The Vendors shall retain a 1.75% NSR Royalty on all 3 properties and Delta shall have a right to buyback a 0.75% interest until October 2nd, 2026 for $500,000 and the remaining 1% interest thereafter for the sum of $4M. Delta also retains a right of first refusal on any offer to buy any NSR interest by a third party after October 2nd, 2026.
Under the Sky Gold and Delta agreement, dated April 30, 2024, Sky also retains a 1% NSR royalty on the Horne and Laurie properties with Delta having the option to buyback a 0.5% NSR at anytime for $1M and having a right of first refusal on the second 0.5% NSR.
Delta continues to further expand and consolidate its land position at the Delta-1 Gold Project. Delta owns a 100% interest in >750 contiguous unpatented claims and the exclusive right to own a 100% interest in an additional >97 unpatented claims and 5 patents (surface and mining rights) that cover >30,600 ha.
André Tessier, President and CEO stated: "This is another strategic acquisition for Delta. The property package assembled in the Shebandowan Belt covers over 306 square kilometres of very prospective ground in the belt. With this agreement, none of the properties require any work commitments and minimal cash and share payments in the future. This provides Delta with enormous flexibility about where to spend its exploration dollars. Delta will therefore continue to grow the gold inventory at Eureka while exploring this expansive land package”.
See also:
UPDATE - October 16, 2024:
Delta further expands again its controlling land position in the eastern Shebandowan Greenstone Belt at the Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On October 16, 2024, Delta Resources Limited announced that it has acquired a 100% interest in the Orebot property and hence increased the footprint of Delta-1 Gold Project. The Orebot property consists of 39 claim units covering over 743 ha in 2 blocks that are contiguous to the East with the expanded Delta-1 Property. Recall on August 6, 2024, Delta had announced that it had acquired a 100% interest in the 443 claim unit Ternowesky property spanning over 7 townships and covering over 9,300 ha (see: The eastern block of the newly acquired Orebot property extends the coverage of the Shebandowan Structural Zone for ~4 km of strike to the east and brings the eastern boundary of the Delta-1 Property to within 3 km of the Tower Gold Zone of Tower Mountain Intrusive Complex of Thunder Gold Corp. (TGOL-V) ( The south block of the property covers a polymetallic occurrence where historical grab samples returned 2.1% Ni and 1.2% Cu, and Inco Gold reported grab samples of 116 g/t Au and 175 g/t Au in 1988.
Reasonable terms: Delta has reached an agreement with the vendors whereby Delta shall pay $35,000 and issue 500,000 common shares of Delta. The vendors shall retain a 2% NSR with Delta having the option to buy back a 1% NSR at any time for $1M and a right of first refusal on the second 1% NSR to a maximum of $4M.
Very well located: The 100% owned Delta-1 Gold Project is located ~50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario and is well located along the Trans-Canada Highway. The expansive property brings Delta's land package to cover now more than >31,000 ha. Delta now controls district scale land positioning within the central-north portion of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, which includes the gold-endowed, crustal-scale Shebandowan Structural Zone that hosts Delta's emerging Eureka Gold Zone (see: Delta-1 Gold Project covers >35-km strike extent of both the Shebandowan and Gold Creek (Crayfish Creek) deformation zones. Both structures are gold-endowed, crustal-scale structural zones at the unconformable boundary between Temiskaming-Type sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks and host to polymetallic endowment. The Orebot property offers acreage with likely similar geological setting as Delta's Eureka Gold Zone and Delta’s technical team is well experienced to advance the Delta-1 Project at different levels.
André Tessier, President, and CEO stated: " “Delta has assembled an outstanding land package with significant potential for multiple deposits, not only for gold mineralization, but also for magmatic copper-nickel deposits such as the former producing Inco Mine. The Delta team is already working on compiling all available historical work, permitting of the new properties and defining new high-priority gold targets for further testing later in 2024. We are anxious to reveal the true potential of this newly acquired ground with a systematic, belt-scale approach in the eastern Shebandowan Greenstone Belt ".
UPDATE - October 29, 2024:
Delta furthers its strategic land acquisition in the eastern Shebandowan Greenstone Belt in Thunder Bay, Ontario
On October 29, 2024, Delta Resources Limited announced that it has acquired a 100% interest in the Shabaqua Corners property from Metals Creek Resources Corp (MEK-V). The land package is composed of 11 claims and a further 8 claims are held by Gold Cache Inc. where MEK had the right to earn a 100% interest, which shall now by assumed by Delta. Delta has assured a strategic land positioning as the combined claims cover ~233 ha that are essentially contiguous with the newly expanded Delta-1 Property and cover potential extensions of the Eureka Gold Zone. The acquired claims are located in Horne and Dawson Road Lots Township and are host to a number of gold occurrences including the Echo Zone (1.04 g/t Au over 18.7m surface channel sample and 0.45 g/t Au over 21 m in drill hole), the Gold Cache Main Zone (29.4 g/t Au over 0.6m surface channel sample) and other surface grab samples ranging from 4.16 g/t Au to 50.1 g/t Au.
Fair terms: Under the terms of the agreement, Delta shall pay $55,000 and issue 1,250,000 common shares of Delta to be vested at a rate of 312,500 every 4 months after issuance. Delta shall also have to pay $40,000 to Gold Cache in 2 equal instalments on March 14, 2025 and March 14, 2026. There are no work commitments on the claims and MEK shall retain a 1% NSR royalty on the claims (with Delta having a buyback option for 50% at anytime for $0.5M and right of first refusal on the second 50% NSR, to a maximum of $0.5M). The claims are all subject to a 2% NSR royalty related to underlying agreements and Delta shall have the right to purchase 1% at anytime for $1M. Overall total consideration for 100% of the new acreage is <$0.3M.
Proper positioning: The 100% owned Delta-1 Gold Project is located ~50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario and is well situated along the Trans-Canada Highway. Delta's land package covers precisely 30,833 ha. within the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt. To date, at the Eureka Gold Zone, the gold mineralization is defined over a strike length of 2.5 km, from surface to a vertical depth of 300 m. Highlights include drill intercepts such as 5.92 g/t Au over 31 m (incl. 14.8 g/t Au over 11.9 m), and 1.79 g/t Au over 128.5 m. Delta has identified multiple corridors of intense alteration and deformation, on strike with, and to the south of the Eureka Gold Zone and that have yet to be thoroughly explored. With no work commitments on the newly acquired claims as well as the combined entirety of the Delta land package, this permits flexibility for Delta. The new acquisitions by Delta permit a district scale land positioning within the crustal-scale Shebandowan Structural Zone and assures control on potential lateral extensions. We view this transaction as win, win for all parties.
Andre Tessier P.Eng, P.Geo, President, and CEO stated: "Delta deployed an aggressive strategy over the past year to control the eastern Shebandowan Greenstone Belt. With each addition to its property package, Delta is getting closer to its goal of controlling this highly prospective gold endowed belt where we believe that multiple gold deposits are yet to be uncovered. Having already made a significant discovery at the Eureka Gold deposit which remains open on strike and to depth, the Delta technical team is as keen on expanding the mineralized envelope at Eureka while it now sets its sights on furthering the potential of multiple gold deposits within this commanding land package. It's also noteworthy that Delta has no work commitments on the complete property package, allowing the team to focus where the data is pointing to areas of best potential. A potential that we're just starting to uncovert ".
Alexander (Sandy) Stares, President and CEO of Metals Creek stated: "Making this deal with Delta allows Metals Creek to focus on our flagship Ogden Gold Project (50/50 JV with Newmont) and our Tillex Copper Project, where we have completed drilling with great success and awaiting additional results. In addition, Metals Creek and its shareholders will remain exposed to Delta's success with the share holding and the NSR on these claims. We believe that Delta is best positioned with their commanding land package to advance this exciting portion of the Shabandowan greenstone belt and we are very pleased to be a shareholder of Delta into the future".
UPDATE - November 26, 2024:
Delta receives exploration permits ahead of 2025 drilling at the expanded Delta-1 Property in Thunder Bay, Ontario
Delta Resources Limited , on November 26, 2024, reported that it has received 2 exploration permits to allow for early-stage mineral exploration at the Delta-1 Project in the Thunder Bay District of Ontario. The 100% owned Delta-1 Gold Project is located ~50 km west of Thunder-Bay, Ontario and is well situated along the Trans-Canada Highway. Over 90% of the Delta-1 expanded property is now permitted for early-stage exploration which includes diamond drilling. Delta's land package covers >30,833ha. within the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and includes the Eureka Gold Zone, where gold mineralization is defined over a strike length of 2.5 km, from surface to a vertical depth of 300m. Delta has identified multiple corridors of intense alteration and deformation, on strike with, and to the south of the Eureka Gold Zone and that have yet to be thoroughly explored. It has also recognized potential for gold mineralization further to the WSW with the historical I Zone and aims to apply its regional expertise to explore this gold zone.
Delta is focused on the exploration of two very high-potential gold and base-metal projects in Canada: i) DELTA-1 is Delta’s flagship project, where it is building on a large gold inventory 50 km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario; ii) The DELTA-2 property covers 20,500 ha in the prolific Chibougamau District of Québec with good potential for gold-rich polymetallic VMS deposits as well as hydrothermal-gold deposits.