

Good delivery ensures that what orator is saying seems to come from his heart. “Many have said that the faculty of greatest use to the speaker and the most valuable for persuasion is Delivery. For skilful invention, elegant style, the artistic arrangement of the parts comprising the case, and the careful memory of all these will be of no more value without delivery, than delivery alone and independent of these. 

  1. Voice Quality. Voice quality has a certain character of its own, acquired by method and placation. 
  • Volume. Volume is primarily the gift of nature; cultivation augments it somewhat but chiefly conserves it.
  • Stability. Stability is primarily gained by cultivation; declamatory exercise ( augments it somewhat, but chiefly conserves it.
  • Use a calm tone in the Introduction. Take pauses often. Pauses strengthen the voice. They also render the thoughts more clear-cut by separating them, and leave the hearer time to think. Relaxation from a continuous full tone conserves the voice, and the variety gives extreme pleasure to the hearer too, since now the conversational tone holds attention and now the full voice rouses it.
  • Flexibility. Voice flexibility — the ability in speaking to vary the intonations of the voice at pleasure — can be achieved by declamatory exercise.
  • Conversational Tone (relaxed and is closest to daily speech.)  
  • Dignified (or Serious, is marked by some degree of impressiveness and by vocal restraint. It will be proper to use the full throat but the calmest and most subdued voice possible, yet not in such a fashion that we pass from the practice of the orator to that of the tragedian.)
  • Explicative (in a calm voice explains how something could or could not have been brought to pass. One ought to use a rather thin-toned voice, and frequent pauses and intermissions, so that we seem by means of the delivery itself to implant and engrave in the hearers mind the points we are making in our explanation.) 
  • Narrative (sets forth events that have occurred or might have occurred. Varied intonations are necessary, so that we seem to recount everything just as it took place. Delivery will be rapid when we narrate what we wish to to show done vigorously, and it will be slower when we narrate something else done leisurely.) 
  • Facetious (can on the basis of some circumstance elicit a laugh which is modest and refined. With a gentle quiver in the voice, and a slight suggestion of a smile, but without any trace of immoderate laughter, one ought to shift ones utterance smoothly from the Serious Conversational tone to the tone of gentlemanly jest.) 
  • Tone of Debate (energetic and is suited to both proof and refutation)
  • Sustained (full voiced and accelerated delivery) 
  • Broken (punctuated repeatedly with short, intermittent pauses, and is vociferated sharply. We must with deepest chest tones produce the clearest possible explanations, and I advise giving as much time to each pause as to each exclamation.) 
  • Tone of Amplification (either rouses the hearer to wrath or moves him to pity)
  • Hortatory (by amplifying some fault, incites the hearer to indignation. We shall use a very thin-toned voice, moderate loudness, an even flow of sound, frequent modulations and the utmost speed.) 
  • Pathetic (by amplifying misfortunes, wins the hearer over to pity.We shall use a restrained voice, deep tone, frequent intermissions, long pauses, and marked changes.) 

2. Physical Movement (Control of gesture and mien which renders what is delivered more plausible.) 

  • The facial expressions should show modestly and animation, and the gestures should not be conspicuous for either elegance or grossness, lest we give the impression, that we are either actors or day labourers. 
  • For the Dignified Conversational tone - The speaker must stay in position when he speaks, lightly moving his right hand, his countenance expressing an emotion corresponding to the sentiments of the subject — gaiety or sadness or an emotion intermediate. 
  • For the Explicative Conversational tone - We shall incline the body forward a little from the shoulders, since it is natural to bring the face as close as possible to our hearers when we wish to prove a point and arouse them vigorously. 
  • For the Narrative Conversational tone - The same as Dignified will be appropriate. 
  • For the Facetious Conversational tone - We should by our countenance express a certain gaiety, without changing gestures. 
  • For the Sustained Tone of Debate - We shall use quick gestures of the arm, a mobile countenance, and a keen glance. 
  • For the Broken Tone of Debate - One must extend the arm quickly, walk up and down, occasionally stamp the right foot, and adopt a keen and fixed look. 
  • For the Hortatory Tone of Amplification - It will be appropriate to use a somewhat slower and more deliberate gesticulation, but otherwise to follow the procedure for the Sustained Tone of Debate. 
  • For the Pathetic Tone of Amplification - One ought to slap ones thigh and beat one’s head, and sometimes to use a calm and uniform gesticulation and a sad and disturbed expression.

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