Delivering security through systems engineering - GPS World
Blog Editor's Note: A thoughtful piece from RNTF member Mitch Narins.?
This might a good time to reproduce several PNT, system of system graphics we have laying around. One was done by DOT & DOD in 2008, RNT Foundation did two, one is from the DOD PNT strategy, and one was presented by a Chinese official at the Stanford PNT symposium.??
Can you guess which is which??
Bottom line - yep, we believe in systems engineering.
December 5, 2022??-?By?Mitch Narins
Achieving PNT resilience for critical infrastructure applications
GNSS are magic. They are. One dictionary defines magic as “a power that allows people (such as witches and wizards) to do impossible things by saying special words or performing special actions.” By this definition, we have all become witches and wizards, doing what previous generations would have deemed impossible.
This magic, however, can be affected by external forces that render it useless at best and, at worst, dangerous. Warnings about GNSS positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) service vulnerabilities have been raised for 25+ years. Numerous organizations have warned of the potential safety, security and economic impacts of GNSS interference. Still, like modern-day Cassandras, their warnings have been ignored, and sole use of PNT services that rely on space-based signals continues to expand.