Delivering insights into International Expansion 52 weeks a year
Oliver Dowson
Author of "The Repurposed Spy", "Spies on Safari" and "There's No Business Like International Business" |
Grow through International Expansion is the only independent, not-for-profit platform for podcasts, articles and other media dedicated to this subject.
Our ambition is to deliver informative, relevant, provoking and entertaining content that addresses different ways that businesses can increase their value through international trade.
Since our launch earlier this year, our content has reached thousands of listeners and readers. As podcast host, I’ve talked with many interesting people, all experts in their fields. We’ve covered topics as diverse as exporting, currency hedging, GDPR, out/insourcing and translation, and talked about popular countries such as the USA and Germany and those off the usual radar such as Kuwait, Bosnia-Herzogovina and Georgia.
Over the coming weeks we’ve already lined up podcasts and articles on free trade zones, FinTech and creating a common global business identity, as well as looking at several more countries.
But we’re always on the lookout for new subjects, and more interesting people to talk to in future episodes! We publish new podcasts every week and also many relevant and interesting articles.
If you’ve got something to say that would be useful to our audience, and you’d be interested in appearing, please send me a LinkedIn message, or email me at .
Even if you’re not interested in appearing yourself, but you’ve got ideas on topics that we should be covering in the future or can suggest people we should be talking to, please do let me know.