Delivering Draft 038-1
This document is the first to draft, deliver and perfect the presentation file 2021 Video 038 by Hilary Cluett.
Presentation Purpose
To talk about being flexible in the context of user experience design and the flexibility to choose which way to approach a situation.
Presentation Type
This type of presentation is persuasive because I state an argument, be flexible, and provide three ways to start using it for the purpose of user experience design.
Presentation Overview
Delivering the draft sets the baseline for the presentation. The scoring table will update with each version of the presentation.
This is presentation version draft-one with two hundred and thirty-seven words spoken in a positive tone over one minute and thirty-five seconds, a grade letter A readability score for seventh grade reading level, twenty-one total sentences, using one thousand four hundred and eight total characters, and read silently in zero minutes and fifty-seven seconds.
- Version of Presentation: Draft -1
- Total Word Count: 237
- Sentiment Analysis: Positive
- Speaking Time: 1 minutes and 35 seconds
- Readability Score: A
- Grade Reading Level: Seventh
- Total Sentences: 21
- Total Characters: 1408
- Reading Time in Minutes: 0 minute and 58 seconds
First published in a video post on LinkedIn Sunday, February 7th, 2021; Wild Card – I talk about three ways to be flexible in the context of user experience design.
Click the Sway
It's easier to explore visual content on a Sway. Click the card below to see all the information in the article, but as a Sway with images, tables, score cards and word clouds and the video in a responsive format to the device you use - in theory :)
I'm practicing, this is a draft.
Image to Discuss
The rectangular frame is a third longer along its horizontal border, than its shorter vertical edge. As orientation, up and to the right is positive. The background is dark gray.
The page focuses on three chunks of text, a top title and middle bullet list and right note. The three chunks align from left to center to right in descending order, Title, bullet list, note.
Top title text, be flexible.
Three heart bullet points, top, middle, bottom.
Top, There are several ways to approach every problem.
Middle, identify what's assumed.
Bottom, articulate implicit assumptions.
Decorations, Underline below implicit stretching across to the right column.
The note, to accompany the underline, suggested though not directly expressed.
Image as a Table
The image I discuss in the video presents here as a table of Page Chunk, Alignment, Page Hierarchy, Text or Decoration.
This table has four columns and five major rows.
The first major row is titles for each column.
In sequence from left to right the four column titles are: Page Chunk, Alignment, Page Hierarchy, Text or Decoration.
The other four major rows represent the image broken down into four chunks.
In descending order of appearance, the list of four page chunks is: Top Title, Bullet List, Note, Decoration.
Five minor rows distinguish elements based on their alignment on the page.
Video Link
The video is now on YouTube to embed in files and play on any device.
Transcript Text
Hi, UX designers, this is Hilary Hilary Cluett. Welcome. It's video 38. And today is Sunday, the seventh of February. So, Sunday is a bit of a wild card. And I'd like to talk about being flexible. Something I work on, you know, flexibility, we often associate with muscles, right Sun Tzu in the art of war talks about being as flexible as a blade of grass in the wind bending, right? In this context, though, user experience context, there are several ways to approach every problem, right, that's the flexibility to choose which way to approach the situation. So a way to even start is to identify what's assumed what has already been assumed. And then you're able to start being flexible, right with other options. And after you've just identified some of the assumptions, it's very good practice to articulate implicit assumptions. And implicit means something that's suggested, although not directly expressed, so just express it, you know, articulate it express the assumptions that may just be underlying everyone's thoughts, like the world is round. Okay, let's just state that explicit assumption. So that you can then determine other ways to approach a problem and that's being flexible. Okay. We can be flexible, right? How were you flexible this week? Or is there a situation that's requiring extra flexibility? Let me know in the comments below. Okay, have a great weekend. See you tomorrow. Bye.
Keyword Frequency Table and Context
The keywords I mention in the video present here as a table of use count, keyword and context. This table has three columns and twenty-one major rows.
The first major row is titles for each column. In sequence, from the left-to-right, the three column titles are: Use Count, Keyword, Context.
The other twenty major rows represent the keywords used, each keyword has a corresponding count to its left and context to its right.
If the same keyword occurs during the presentation with different context, then the semi-colon punctuates this distinction, to delineate multiple contexts within one line of the table.
The twenty keywords on the list are: Grass, Situation, Requiring, Articulate, Assumptions, Implicit, Assumed, Approach, Sunday, Hilary, Express, Flexibility, Context, Flexible, Bending, Problem, Blade, Implicit Assumptions, Identify, Practice.
Tables, images, and alt text are all available on the Sway. It can open on any device. To view a table to list the keywords from the audio file, frequency of use, and context please open the Sway.
Word Cloud Image generates this word cloud automatically when transcribing audio files to tangible text. Then I snap a screenshot of it on my iPad.
The rectangular frame is a third longer along its horizontal border, than its shorter vertical edge. For orientation, up and to the right is positive. The background is dark blue.
Twenty words appear in various orientations and sizes across a rectangular frame. From the top left-side to the bottom the following twenty words appear: Grass, Situation, Requiring, Articulate, Assumptions, Implicit, Assumed, Approach, Sunday, Hilary, Express, Flexibility, Context, Flexible, Bending, Problem, Blade, Implicit Assumptions, Identify, Practice.
This is the same image from the title card of the YouTube Video except this image is branded by with a dark navy-blue background with lighter blue, pink, green, purple, and grey writing to form the word cloud, where each word is written in varied sizes and orientation.
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Link to Google Calendar appointment page to book free 15 minute strategy session with Hilary
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