Delivering difficult messages to customers
Maximum Performance
Improving the performance of individuals, teams and organisations
It’s a surprise to no one, but customer relations are not always smooth. If you work in any kind of customer-facing role, you know that there are plenty of situations in which you have to deliver ‘bad news’ to a customer or client. Maybe their favourite product or service is being discontinued or changed; maybe prices have gone up; maybe their delivery is delayed or out of stock; maybe you’ve been hacked, and someone has obtained their data; maybe they have a complaint… the list of possible scenarios is probably endless.
In these situations, the customer might be angry, surprised, upset, or feeling hard done by… and how they’re feeling is often perfectly clear from their manner, tone and choice of words.
As the representative of the business, you don’t have that luxury of self-expression. Your job is to calm the situation, understand the facts, and agree on a solution, if possible. That can be a big ask…
Difficult situations – tips
If you’re in the position of having to give bad news, the first rule is: don’t make it worse! This often comes down to understanding their situation and why they might be feeling what they’re feeling.
Then, consider the following:
While working through the situation, bear in mind a few guiding principles:
Follow up positively
Delivering difficult messages is not fun; once the conversation is over, there’s often a definite sense of relief. However, the situation is not over. You need to follow up:
?Dealing sensitively with difficult customer conversations is one of the most important facets of customer service, if only because of the potential consequences of getting it wrong. Poorly handled conversations can damage the customer relationship, damage the business’s reputation and brand, lose your future sales and business, and even result in legal issues.
It is far better to apply your skills to the initial conversation or interaction. After all, a well-handled complaint can turn an unhappy customer into a real fan.
If you want to delve deeper into the art of handling these kinds of situations, check out our free taster webinar “Delivering difficult messages to customers” on 17 May 2024 at 10:00 a.m; sign up here. Or give us a call on 01582 463460; we’re here to help.