DELIVERANCE [PART VII]: - Identity is the path to salvation
Wandera Hamala
Brand Ambassador @ Brand Nation - Helping people and companies gain influence using their brand
Within each one is a redeemer and within each one, a path to salvation.
The greatest secrets obtained by God are built within us. All greatness comes from within. Thought, prayer, listening to instruction, and meditation are all processes that require contemplation and through them we find the answers we seek and puts the answers to our questions of life within our reach. Those who gain control of their own truth and purpose in life become a source of great ideas, unique discoveries and answers to? life. Identity is the open door and relates to the chosen path of the individual to create results that allow them to see beyond the range of their understanding to create new ideas, new thoughts and new solutions.
Identity is underestimated; identity gives us visions; identity makes us creative; identity means we have the answers we are looking for; identity means we are confident; identity also means we operate in truth and integrity. Having an identity and utilizing it to its full potential is the best thing that can happen to any of us. In fact those who can vocalize and visualize a dose of their potential are addicted to its pleasures. What people see is authenticity: Authenticity is the most basic connection we have to ourselves. It is what we feel, and what we attach a chain of thoughts to it which means our actions and results follow that path.
Identity requires patience. First it must bear seed in the right environment, and then blossom to be recognized to bear fruit in the face of opportunity. Patience favors those with high ideals. With patience, choices, options, identity and opportunities can cross over to a wide range of people, places and things. Our perception of who we are and what we represent matures as we explore possibilities and options, and it is then that we see that we don’t fit in the narrow interpretation that society has subjected to us. Every identity starts with planting the seed in the right environment, but it doesn’t appeal to the masses at first attempt.
The more we explore our identity with different people in different places, the more we get to see people relating to it and giving it audience.
There are places where our knowledge cannot go. We come to this understanding when the things we once saw as challenges have now been solved. Problem solving is a creative process, and through creativity comes understanding which means it is easier to act and accomplish things we set our minds on. We can also connect deeply to anything and everything around us that helps us feel more and be emotionally present. Identity guided by wisdom results into confidence and character in business, society and within us.
Forms never carry identity; it is in the nature of that thing. Nature is all things that are good and appropriate to its creator hence no man carries identity in the spirit realm without making contact with the Holy Spirit.
Our soul is effective because of the functioning of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The liberty of the Holy Spirit grants us access to the things that bring glory and perfection in what God has placed in us. We feed people according to the integrity of our heart and the skillfulness of our hands.
In us, there is life. We have the life of God in us and thus our vindication is of the Lord.