Gene Allen Groner
Author of over 50 books and biographies. Writer of memoirs and articles for Daily Bread, Herald, and Veterans' Voices magazine
The story of deliverance
is as old as Moses
God said, "Save my people"
Set the Hebrews free
After many excuses
Moses finally gave in
That's when God stepped up
And set Israel free
Moses said to Pharaoh
"Let my people go
Pharaoh free all the slaves
And let them go home"
Yes truth won out
And the Hebrews went home
Leaving all their oppressors
to fend on their own
Then time went on
And God sent us his Son
Who died on the cross
The victory he won
Now we all can be free
Free to be all we can
So let's tell all the world
We've a Savior, God's Son
Then Matthew stepped up
And said, "Do what's right"
"Go and make every person
A disciple of Christ"
Go and tell all the people
That the Jesus Christ lives
He lives in our hearts
There forever to reign
The story of Jesus
Is the greatest e're told
Tell all that you can
It will never grow old
Go and tell of his love
For one and for all
How he died for our sins
He's our Savior and friend
Other Books by Gene Allen Groner
(Available in both paper and Kindle eBooks*)
Journey of a Disciple*
The Garden of Eden*
Native American Prayers Poems and Legends*
Native American Horses*
Son of the Most High*
These Three Remain*
The Helper: a Discourse on the Holy Spirit*
Hallowed Be Thy Name*
Deborah: Prophetess and Warrior*
Saint Teresa of Calcutta*
From Shepherd to King: the Story of David*
The Nature of Angels*
Speak To This People: Bible Prophets and Prophecies*
For Such a Time as This: the Story of Esther*
Prayers and Poems of Christ*
In the Beginning*
Take Off Your Sandals, the story of Moses*
Ruth and Sarah: Women of Faith and Courage
The Silver-Tongued Prophet: the Story of Isaiah*
My God is Yahweh: the Story of Elijah*