DELIVER on Sincerity

DELIVER on Sincerity

Last night, I posted on making huge and hard decisions, only to say that we all have them, and need to make them. I needed to last night, big time. This morning I wrote this on Facebook.

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  • Being pissed off with oneself is not necessarily a bad thing. It is if you are beating yourself down and calling yourself an idiot. It is not if you are pissed off because you know you can do and be better. The former is holding ourselves to a low standard. The latter is holding ourselves to a higher standard. You see it in sports losses by great players. That kind of pissed can be a powerful motivator. The former can destroy you. Awaking and arising today, I am "Hulk smash" pissed this morning and I only want to bottle this and keep it. Elixir.

This month I wrote on Pure Anger. It is one of many posts I have been sharing this month of December around character.... the most recent on Serenity, and Service, and Simplicity. Today, we share on Sincerity.

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Anger is a sincere emotion. It is real and raw. It is honest and open, even if we do not express it; there is no denying we feel it. It does not hide. It speaks honestly. It is genuine. How it is manifested and acted upon can be questioned, but it's existence must not. Denying anger is to deny our sense of internal Justice.

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When we are angry, we ultimately feel somehow wronged, whether true or not. Questioning the source of our anger is necessary. Questioning the existence of it is not. Anger is incredibly sincere.

I felt it this morning; strongly. When I posted, "Awaking and arising today, I am "Hulk smash" pissed this morning and I only want to bottle this and keep it.  Elixir." ... I was feeling that anger, recognizing its source, and understanding its power and the importance of using it for constructive purposes. I knew that I wanted and needed to cut a proverbial cord. I knew I needed to harness that power to stand up to the bully (that bully within, that source of the anger, that internal sense of injustice that lit the flame).

Answer the Alarm

A mentor once said to me that anger is not the issue. Treat it like a fire alarm. When the alarm goes off, there is a call to action. If we let the alarm go on, without addressing action, the alarm overwhelms and even owns us. If we take action, the alarm is answered.

This morning, following this feeling, I had a session with a number of remarkable, aspiring, artist entrepreneurs. The session was amazing. It truly was, and it was ignited, inspired and engaged, drawing on this anger. I did not deliver anger. I used it as fuel. It worked. I knew it would. It always does.

The Fire

Anger is a fire. If we let it carry on uncontrolled it can do all kinds of unwanted damage. If we focus it, we can access a blow torch or flame thrower that will achieve something. We do not have to express the anger but simply use it for motivation. Then, we become the fire.

Sincerity and Delivery

Anger is sincere. It is important to be sincere. Sincerity matters. It matters in how we DELIVER. As we have noted in last month's Deliver, we are bringing broadCAST Live and Deliver to the online world.

More trailers are coming, and broadCAST Live will launch in January 2020, in part addressing matters on how we best deliver our messages to the world. For now, consider how a healthy sense and approach to anger can motivate the fire. Do not deny it's Sincerity. Own it, focus it and make it a fuel for doing or saying something good and needed.

Also, ponder on how Sincerity of any emotion matters in delivering our message. Imagine the power of honest, open, genuine, authentic delivery. It connects. It inspires, It engages.

It delivers.

This Christmas and Holiday Season, and beyond... how can Sincerity more deeply practiced impact your delivery on message ... personally and professionally? Sincerity matters in build Trust.

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How can and will you practice it? Yes, do that. I sincerely wish you a wondrous Christmas and Holiday Season.

Peace, passion and prosperity...

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Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage


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AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...


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