Deliver Premium Video Services without upgrading your infrastructure...

Deliver Premium Video Services without upgrading your infrastructure...

With the maritime industry making positive signs of recovery after a challenging few COVID-filled years, cost control becomes all the more important. So the idea of upgrading a complete on-board network requires some strong justification. At the same time, offering passengers a premium TV and video service experience is as important as ever.

Luckily, there is an approach for Operators to deliver a premium TV and video service on board without the requirement to upgrade the network or purchase new TVs.

The required building blocks

Delivering premium services over RF only requires a few key aspects:

  1. An existing RF environment (no IP required)
  2. A digital headend (simple upgrade) and MAXICASTER server
  3. Existing broadcast TVs and onboard screens

How does it work?

The existing satellite antenna infrastructure is used to receive live content and deliver VOD and other playout channels for vessels without an on-board IP network.

The VOD service would be offered as dedicated channels via the ships RF network.

As well as delivery to in-cabin and common screens, the MAXICASTER system can deliver channels connected to the digital signage system allowing customized channels in the RF network. This brings a very similar look and feel to the typical interactive TV experience.

Examples of digital services that can be offered:

  • Moving map to keep track of the ship status and route.
  • Bridge and other ship camera streams can be streamed directly to TVs or added as a high quality digital TV channel.
  • Welcome screen including information about the ship and onboard services, taken directly from the digital signage or playout channel.
  • Customized?movie channels offered as playout channels such as; Action, comedy, TV series, Kids and documentaries.
  • Live feed stream live content to passengers, either by streaming the content from an onboard event or the playout channel.
  • Mobile entertainment content, live TV services can be extended to passenger devices if WLAN is available to guests onboard.

The value of utilising your RF network

  1. Premium passenger experience at a fraction of the cost of IPTV
  2. Supports in-cabin TVs, Common Screens (via a RF), Digital Signage with the option to extend to passenger’s own devices
  3. Completely self-sufficient and works without internet connectivity?
  4. Multi-language support?
  5. Inclusive of licenses, hardware and ongoing service management
  6. Premium video solution tailored to the specific onboard network infrastructure

The suggested non-IP solution will give almost the same crew and passenger services and experience similar to an IP network environment. Importantly, any equipment installed for RF service delivery is equally applicable and re-usable for any IP delivery in the future. So investments made are future-proofed if and when you upgrade to full IP.

For more information contact us at [email protected]



