I recently got a new camera. Yeah, a real camera that takes pictures and videos and stuff - not a phone.
And I confess that I didn’t take the photo up above - I don’t yet have the talent to use the camera properly. That’ll come.
But my point today is what an absolute delight it is! It’s solid, capable, and seems to have prepared for my every whim.
When I read the review online, a lot of people talked about its many capabilities, how it was great value for the price. And of course, all the websites had amazing photographs which will take me a lifetime to reproduce.
But here’s a great example of “delight”: A few days after I got it, the company sent me an email which walked through the concept of Aperture. I’ve never really understood the concept; it was just a vague number that I might be able to adjust up or down to … do something.
But the email and tutorial video really brought this to life for me. At exactly the right time. I don’t know if the timing was an accident - it probably was - but the fact is that this resolved some questions I’ve had about photography for decades.
It’s simple. And of course totally obvious to the manufacturer who lives and breathes this stuff every day. But the camera is targeted at a mid-level consumer, someone who has ambitions to build their photography skill.
What are you doing to build delight into the experience for your customers? In the product or service itself, or in all the other touchpoints you have with them?
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