Delighted Customers - can't tell you!

Delighted Customers - can't tell you!

Thinklogical goes live in to a major customer in the UK.

Another win for us, delivering high value by running multiple security domains over a single extension and switching system, replacing multiple KVM’s that weren’t up to the job – so what?

Well, it is not that easy to shout about the kind of value we deliver into the market. In many instances, it is a secure environment, on others, we provide a competitive advantage that needs to be kept under wraps.

In educating the market on the art of the possible, it has to remain that – the art of the possible. Seeking a reference point is not easy, and there are a lot of conversations to be had, MNDA’s to be signed and mutual confidence shared before the messaging can be confided. Yet, then, there is still not the full picture shared.

I have to say, I do enjoy the step change in performance that we, as a solution can offer, and the way customers are surprised at the uplift in working environment. Despite going through the usual process of presenting, demonstrating and then selling and supporting, customers are still surprised and delighted at the increase in performance to their environments – especially where we replace other technologies.

Thinklogical is a designer and manufacturer of video and signal extension and switching systems. Our solutions are not IP based; there is no compression and decompression of the signal and so signals are transmitted at native speed; there is nothing added to the latency of the of the signal, as there is no processing of the signal other than the transmission signal over our patented MRTS Protocol. Subsequently, there is no jitter on the video, no noise on the audio, no stilting or delays in the mouse movements. 

Thinklogical is deployed across the C4ISTAR environments of the US, UK and NATO members, into hundreds of Naval Vessels and into some major “three-letter-acronym” organisations in the “circle of trust” too.

If you would like to know more, then please get in touch.


[email protected]


