Deliberate Deliverables
Imagen walking down the street, Hot dogs get your hot dog’s bye one gets one free, or today world it is sign up for G mobile, and the phone is free.?With gimmicks and traps how are a customers able to know the long-term benefits. Will I be stuck in a contract that I have to spend my time trying to get out of? With these outlandish offers, we know they are winning after 3 months, the price doubles the language changes, the customer service changes to the. As owners, teams and businesses, how do we create a consistent customer experience so our brand and name resenates for what we stand for; if we must trick them in the door who are we.
? The first step is Change who we are! If you must trick people to like a product, change the product.
? The second step is to look at your perfect customer, like it was a dating site, love long naps on the couch and short walks to the fridge.? Well maybe not like that. But define financial status, members in household, male or female, favorite season, hobbies. This is the backbone of your product offer.
? If you are the cheapest in town you will do more work for less money, guaranteed. Everyone shopping for a bargain will fight you tooth and nail over cents on the dollar. discover your customer, business the net 2 million a year. know market your price and offer to meet their needs. Create intrensic value, alow your brand to network profit for the customer. (starbucks in safeways,) (what it means to offer top of the line b to b products.) This works in every industry, if you do not market to the customer you want, you will get the customer no one else wants. from banking to lemonade stands.?
? This influences locations, if I want to market to stay at home moms, I may center my location near elementary schools.? Your location and design should welcome the person in. In a member owned economy the campus is extension of their home. To maintain a desired customer basis, you should create a desired member home. Anything forms cozy to loud or even edgy. In the age where people Identify with something they are not this is important. Biker bars need motorcycle parking.
? I may get to the Gym even though I am overweight, you are a avenue to capture the emotions of your desired customer. If I go to the gym, it is to get into the image I want. That means I have begun to act like a person that goes to the gym to fit in the culture. create an environment to cultivate the right customer this is a funnel. A funnel is wide at the top but slowly narrows to impower positive results. These results are strengthened by conformity bias. This bias is what most sports rely on. try it join a martial arts class, most of the time there is minimal 1 on 1, and they put you in a group of people you can mirror. Monkey see monkey do. (life Hack someone must be the first monkey that is the innovator, that is you)
Deliberate deliverables are about being that guy(person) It is about having the heart to serve your customer/member, if you do not have that heart, you are opening a circus. Second is creating a product to be proud of, not a gimmick that will erode trust when the final bill comes. That is a bunch of Clowns. Create a product that will resonate through time, to your customer with or with out, promotions. Then let your customer know who you are, where you are located and the best way to reach you. It is leveraging the value you bring that customer that keeps them coming back in a positive return cycle. This is them not being cohorts into doing what you want but being given a product they can believe in, and you can prosper with.
Teams then need to just follow a framework with official names. The brand and the product will attract the desired Client. Customer/member if you love this here are three options we offer small medium and large, all three a desiged to meet you needs. but the most value comes from Large.
You can only compete in three categories beyond this, 1 the fastest, 2 Quality, and 3 Price. With a product that resonates someone will pay more expect less and enjoy the time it takes.
Find your customer