Delete or Remove Apk Files On Android Phone After Install Any Apps
Best Way To Remove or Delete Any Apps on My Phone
How to access hidden file manager in Android Marshmallow [Guide]
There are two types of Apk files:
Which downloading from play store cannot be deleted by user to get accessing or not unless rooted. They will deleted automatically when user uninstall the app from device.
Another one downloading from side loaded Apks. That time user need to location of the apk. Get a file manager app here and search for apk which you want to delete. After that long press or menu on app and select delete.
More Way to Remove or delete apps from Android device Types of OS:
How did you remove your app it depends on what types of OS running your device. For Android 6+ should have built-in file manager, Android 6.0’s Built-in File Manager using guide. So just go in to the file mangers and search the apk file by it’s name .apk, long press or menu it , then tap or select “Delete” . (USE IMGAE in the upper right-hand corner Delete option.)
If you are running Android 5 or lower OS in your device, need to get a third-party file manager app to find the uninstalled apk files and each type of file managing app should have a method of removing files from your device. Now same way go in to the file mangers and search the apk file by it’s name, long press or menu it , then tap or select “Delete” in the upper right-hand corner Delete option.
If you select the file from your “Recent” page and tap "Remove,” this does not delete the file, it just removes it from the recent files list.
Here about some file managing apps we suggest >>> source Read More: Delete or Remove Apk Files On Android