Delegation (Alone) Is Not The Answer!
We've all been told that we need to delegate. If you just delegate more then magically you will be all to start working less "in the business" and more "on the business". Well, they are half right. Delegation is a huge step but done without the proper structure in your organization, it can lead to disastrous results and put you right back in the frustration of "worker" mode.
We all do it, we all get stuck in worker mode and this severely impacts the time we have to lead our business. It starts with good intentions but it seems that every day...
- We put out fire after fire
- We make decisions that no one else can (or is trusted) to make
- We get inundated with interruptions and "gotta minute" conversations
- We end up providing our clients and employees a less than ideal version of ourselves as the business wears us down
So, how do we get out of worker mode and into leader mode? First we have to acknowledge exactly how much "worker mode" are we doing.
Leaders need to look at their typical day, week and month and honestly answer the question...
How much of my time is spent doing jobs that I am paying someone else to do?
If the answer is more than 10%, you are most likely the largest bottleneck in the organization and you may be the most critical roadblock to your business growth. These roadblocks are real and delegation is needed but only after you build the structure. With the proper structure you will ...
- Recruit, hire and retain the right people for the right positions in your organization
- Have employees that understand what success looks like in their role and be crystal clear on their priorities
- Be kept informed with the proper metrics that will provide leading indicators before minor issues become full blown fires
When your structure is under control and your people understand their roles and what is expected, then delegation is the final step. Proper delegation returns time to your day and balance to your leadership. It puts you on the path to eliminating the bottlenecks and to becoming 90% leader and 10% worker.
If you are interested in learning more about the structure you need to work towards becoming a 90% leader, I am happy to discuss or provide free tools to help you improve your process. There are several free resources, some are listed below .... just email me at [email protected] or message me here on LinkedIn and let me know what resources you want and I will send them right over.
- Request the free, Control 365 Business Assessment that will allow you to self-assess the organization and highlight the areas to focus your efforts as you build your plan for the greatest impact on your business value.
- Request the new free Control 365 Training Video that outlines the process for taking back control of the business, driving personal stress levels down and valuations up.
- Schedule a quick call with me to review your current process, just pick a time that is convenient at and I would be glad to discuss and provide recommendations on improving your plan.