Delayed but not Denied... The Ian and Markus story

Dear Connection,

When Ian spotted Markus in first-year orientation, he knew he would marry him.?This is something that Ian teased all the time while they dated throughout college. If there ever was a couple that was perfect for each other, it was them. They were so perfect that they were opposite, like the odd couple. Their friends defined their relationship as “when right brain met left brain” (liken to the movie “When Harry met Sally”). So it was no surprise that Ian shared with his family and their closest friends that he would propose to Markus. He could not see his life without him. After announcing it to his family and closest friends,?Ian began planning for the engagement. Being that he is the right brain, you knew it would be creatively over the top.?

Markus loved baseball, all things baseball. It makes sense as he is left-brained, so the analytics and the order of the game naturally appealed to him. Plus, it had beautiful childhood memories of him going to games with his Paw Paw.?

Ian knew exactly what he had to do. ?

?It was a clear spring day in Cleveland; the city was abuzz with excitement. Markus just ended his meeting with his manager and the Cleveland team of his company’s firm. By all accounts, it was a successful meeting. The firm just landed a significant client. A client that would have a substantial financial impact on the company’s bottom line. A satisfied client will secure a partnership in the firm for Markus. Something he has been aspiring to ever since completing his internship.?Feeling great, Markus decided to walk back to his hotel instead of taking an Uber. Enjoying the city sights. Markus called the love of his life, Ian, to tell him about his day.?

He ended his call with Ian when he made it to the lobby when the clerk said there was a package for him at the front desk. It is not unusual for him to receive a package at the front desk; sometimes, headquarters will send documents for him to review for a meeting the next day.?But when he approached, he saw that it was nothing that would be sent from the home office. It was a big beautiful box carefully wrapped in the prettiest blue felt. A blue that looked like the deepest part of the Caribbean sea, and the ribbon about 3” wide was the calmest sky blue. The kind of blue in the most transparent sky makes all the clouds look like pillows. The person that wrapped this box was a skilled craftsperson. Too big to be carried by himself the front desk had the bellman help Markus bring the box to his room. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, he knew this was from his boo.?

Back in NC, Ian had already had his bags packed. He made last-minute calls to ensure the venue was ready, the musicians, the drivers, flowers, caterers, everything. Despite being right-brained, he didn’t like making last-minute arrangements like this. But he had a meeting that he could not move, and this was the only date that made sense for him to propose.?Rushing to the airport, he made it to the gate on time. “Thank goodness for TSA pre-check,” he exclaimed to himself. Best investment.?

Made to the Delta sky lounge, had him a drink, calmed his nerves, and took another look at the custom Black Titanium with an emerald cut diamond with the inscription “home” engagement ring. Smiling, he was ready; nothing could go wrong. Everything was running smoothly.?

Markus opened his box and in it was a genuine MLB jersey with the word “HOME” and the #1 blazoned on the back. Chuckling, he read the instructions. “Let’s knock it out of the park!” Be ready and in the lobby by 7 PM SHARP!?

Ian heard the announcement, “we are now boarding flight 3212 to Cleveland”. Preparing himself to go, he gathers his things, taps the small box in the top right of his jacket, and grabs his small carry-on bag and suit cover bag with his matching jersey.?He was ready.

“Mr. Kindle, Mr. Kindle,” the air hostess said while gently nudging him awake. “I’m afraid we are going to have to ask you to deplane.” Puzzled and startled, Markus questioned, “deplane?” “Why, what happened?” “What’s going on?”?As polite as she could be, the air hostess - Alexis, responded, “The plane is experiencing technical issues, and we will need to switch planes.” Ian was scared, knowing that he had this perfectly timed, needed to be on his way, and he had very little wiggle room for any delays.?“So is the next plane here? Which gate is it at?”?Alexis replied, “I’m sorry it is not here yet and won’t be here for another three or four hours, but you get priority to board.”?It was pointless to argue or push back; it was what it was. All he could do was cry. ?

Watching the clock intently, Markus timed his grooming and everything so that he would have very little idle time before 7 PM. He was putting on his shoes at 6:50 PM. He was in the elevator by 6:56 PM. Coming from the 17th floor, he anticipated a 2 to 3-minute elevator ride. Putting him in the lobby at precisely 6:59 PM. Buzz Buzz, his Apple Watch, started vibrating at exactly 7 PM, and it was at that time he made eye contact with the driver that held the door of 2022. All new, all-black Grand Wagoneer with premium peanut butter leather seats smooth to a baby’s touch. He felt like he just glided over the seat when he got in.?Not saying a word, the driver began driving to his destination.?

Through his tears, Ian made a few phone calls to his closest friends, Len and Mike. Emotionally distraught, he told them what had happened. Knowing how important this is and timing was everything. They calmed him down and assured him that everything would be okay. They felt his pain. They restored his faith that everything was going to work out.?Fortunately, Mike was well connected, very well connected. One of those connections often flies back and forth to Cleveland for business, as fate would have it. Today was that day, and they departed in an hour, still giving Ian time to make it in time. The arrangements were made.?

An hour and a half later, Ian would be stepping off a Hawker 400XP on the Cleveland Hopkins Airport tarmac donning his matching jersey with the word “BASE”?and number one on the back, heading to the Progressive Field to propose to his “first draft pick” for life.?


I am Ian, and Markus is my Talent Acquisition career. Ever since being introduced to the world of recruiting. I knew that that was the profession for me. I really cannot see myself doing anything else.?It is because of that that yesterday I cried. I cried the same tears of disappointment that Ian had when his plane was delayed. I cried because I was not getting proposed to, nor was I going to offer to anyone. I cried because I felt that I was close to my #yes.?The closest I have been since my transition started in June.?

Like Ian, I called my Len and Mike, and they poured back into me and reminded me of my own words. “What is for me will not miss me.”?Like my planned trip, my #yes is delayed not denied.


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