Dejected for not being one of those being promoted? Here's how to do it.
Depending on the company size, performance, talent management strategy, etc. usually only 5-20% of the company employees get promoted each year. This means you are either the 2 out of 10, or not.
You really wanted it, felt that you have done all your could and is the next in line for it. Here's not to answer why you didn't get it because it could be due to various reasons, nonetheless, here's to tell you HOW to get the promotion:
You need to ASK:
Ask for that raise, that promotion, or asking to get on a great project.
1) Why now? Presenting your strong case especially on the timeline
Example: "Boss, our business development team is bringing in additional 20% new projects year-on-year. Therefore, I hope you can consider me for this promotion because I had taken on 3 additional projects last year and overachieved all the deliverables set. Mary (Not the real name) resigned middle of last year and I took on her job as well for the last 6 months. Therefore, I am confident that I can take on this bigger role as I have proven myself even when my job scope was enlarged significantly."
2) What ? - Align with company and bosses' objectives
Example: "Boss, during the kick-off meeting in January, you have highlighted that we need to be more agile, aggressive and resilient this year as the market is uncertain. If I can share, I have recommended few new channels to expand our reach to customers over the last 3 years which has grown by 30% as a result of that. On top of that, we also leveraged on various digital marketing campaigns to capture the underserved market and grew our digital presence by 18.8% year-on-year. And surely you know that I have been through thick and thin with the company over the last 5 years even when we were just a start up and during those difficult years when no body really knew our brand, products and services. We can do this boss, sales and marketing need to go hand in hand especially in the VUCA world today like how you have always reminded us."
3) You Why? - Why You (not because of tenure or you need more money please)
Example: "Boss, I really appreciate this talk and I am really proud to be a part of our company. I want to be able to tell a great story about my journey here. We may well be one of the most recognizable unicorns in the decade to come if we continue at this pace. You know my strengths and I am really eager to contribute more and I felt very strongly the time is now. Would you give me that opportunity please?"
If you need more advice on how to do this, follow us and reach out to our consultants. In career management, we typically look forward to moving up, nevertheless, we often forget that we can move laterally too (which may give us new experience, insights and satisfaction).
Of course, if all else fails and you are still unhappy, we can all choose to look out. Follow Talreso Consultancy and Advisory and contact our friendly consultants because we love giving jobs to people. More than jobs actually because we want you to have a career, one that lasts long. Thank you.
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