The degree of Matter
Jonathan D Butts
CEO at Natural Action Tech, Board Member at Neveda Industrial Hemp Fiber Cooperative, Board Advisor Pleroma
The more the human race becomes indoctrinated into the digital age, the more it seems duality takes hold in the process of learning life. This is a dangerous process. It is if humans are trying to logically copy computer logic to move through their journey of life. This or that. Good or bad. And in this case, a gross over-simplification of what really matters. And no logic at all.
The number of people communicating "fact", without any direct experience and based on meta-data is mind blowing. The duality (always present in this meta-data) is sure to sustain drama and result in an ebb and flow that could be nothing more than entertainment or distraction.
The truth lies somewhere in between this duality; comprised of two extremes that are partially correct part of the time. The simple logical conclusion is that one's life is in the "ON" condition. Within that simple condition lies an infinity of complication.
So how do we simplify? The logical answer involves music and its principles. That all things are vibrations. In the most simple form, we have a family of 12 vibrations. Notes. How these notes fit together determine whether harmony or dissonance is created.
I have always been amazed by the fact, with only 12 notes, new music has always been created. How long has music been around? Do you really need to be taught anything logical or particular to play music; or do you just listen and adjust? Do you need to even play music to hear your harmony? Is your harmony always someone elses'?
Take notice to how many of the great musicians were deprived of a sense that would provide logic to music. The ability to see and read it, the ability to hear it, but all had the ability to feel it. And those who have the ability, but choose to just feel it. As Stevie Ray Vaughn roughly said, "If I try to think my way through it, I get in trouble, but if I play from my heart, I am just fine".
Personally I found music a struggle until I realized rhythm (not the logic of where and how melody or harmony was played) set forth the continuum for the song. Then it became easy to 'do no wrong'. This can be technically seen when a musician's heart is monitored while playing. The simple logic is: Their heart is either in rhythm with the music or it is not.
When I first started to learn woodmaship, I was concerned at how ignorant and determined I was. Assuming the answer was something that is there, rather than a continuous journey of evolution and adaptation.
There is no hurry in the woods most of the time. That is nature. The first thing I learned was the inherent trust in Nature the woodsmen possessed. "For wherever an ailment occurs, the remedy is also nearby." "You are always surrounded by everything you need, whether it appears so or not."
It's not that books and education, or whatever form of complex knowledge are not useful, it is always both. The detailed recordings of human experience are vastly valuable. But this complex logic does not override core principles of, say - maybe twelve basic points of logic, which are not 'things', but principles in which the infinite complexity lies within. Just like music.
When I traveled the country and walked the countryside, I was bewildered in awe at the variety of Flora and Fauna and how vastly they varied from one region to another. I couldn't comprehend how the Native's or the seasoned woodsmen learned how to survive. And the truth is, the seasoned practitioner of the woods thrived with health which is difficult to come by today's standards, and they still do.
I asked one of my teachers, "How in the world do you learn all the variety flora and what it can do, it's so complicated it seems it would take a life time to learn a fraction of it, let alone from place to place?" I expected a complicated answer, or reference to some great bible of technical reference. He replied, "That's easy. You smell it. Then you wait. You touch it to your skin. Then you wait. Then you touch it to your lip. Then you wait. Then you eat it. Then you wait. And while you are waiting, you listen to your body." In other words, how you feel.
Furthermore, there should be no assumptions with your body. Everything evolves and adapts. Case examples include when in nature, something becomes over harvested, it often triggers self - defense mechanisms. The flora develops poisonous defense and is no longer the luscious food it was.
I was surprised over the years, how most of everything in nature is edible, and also how many things I had a reaction to that are not considered poison.
The same is true for Elements. The idea that all Iron, or all Aluminum, or any other element is the same. They evolve in vibrations just like all things. Arsenic is widely considered a poison. But is it Arsenic found in Asparagus or Arsenic from mining run off?
You see everything is in constant modulation. Some things relatively fast and others relatively slow. Its entirely based on how much how and when. Action. Feedback. Response. Change. Anti-repetition. Anti-Logic. Creation. Nature. All superimposed of simplicity of rhythm.
As the great Paracelsus roughly stated. "All is poison, all is medicine, it is only the dose which matters."
The best simple advise I could give from what I have learned.
Incrementalism, observation, patience, and trust in nature, which you a part of.
When in doubt, wait, the right thing will come to you. Less is more in this condition.