Defund the police and public school systems and transform them into culturally relevant institutions
Defund the police and public school systems and transform them into culturally relevant institutions by those of us with the knowledge of self and genuine concern for our People to transform them into institutions that reflect our nature.
Our People will realize their true value and potential, when we are awaken, unite and we will then start reshaping the social and economic landscape to compliment our nature that has been dehumanized by Caucasians for 500 years. Looking for reform of a system who’s premise is to master and dominate us is redundant.
We have the solution to the residual trauma of our People’s enslavement, being robbed of the knowledge of self, exploitation and current betrayal by our own that continue this suffering.
The gentrification of Black Hempstead been ongoing for 2 decades with the collusion of local officials whom must be removed from office.
We been working so hard and effectively in the Black communities’ troubled areas successfully turning them around to peaceful productive settings, that the oligarch/globalist worked through their puppets like Peter King to defund our effort, so the Black community can continue to remain under siege by their CIA drug and gun infestation and overseen by their sell out officials
We are the change we been failing to support.
It’s our time!.
We must take control of our communities and reform them to suit our needs.