Deflationary Token Ecosystem of $UNO Powered by V2
In addition to allowing users to?insure any asset?they hold, Uno Re’s V2 — our?Cover Portal?— will also introduce new deflationary aspects of our native token $UNO.
An exclusive Risk pool only for UNO holders
Our $UNO risk pool will serve as the bedrock for all policies sold on the platform. A defining feature of this pool is that it allows for immediate premium collection — powered by an AI-based algorithm that enables instant underwriting and premium calculation, policy purchasing on our Cover Portal will be quicker and more convenient for a user than ever before.
This ease of purchase combined with the fact that Uno Re allows for any on-chain asset to now be insured against vulnerability (essentially tapping into a completely new, under-utilised market segment), will enable a higher number of policies sold — which will in turn be beneficial to investors; the more policies sold, the higher will be the rewards due to them.
These benefits will be?exclusively accessible to stakers of the $UNO Risk Pool.
Stakers of this risk pool will also not only receive block rewards in $UNO, but will be eligible for the same in a?multitude of tokens?policy holders will be paying premiums in.
As such, a massive block of $UNO will be?locked to collatorise insurance policies across multiple products?sold on Uno Re’s Cover Portal, thus exponentiating the deflationary value of our token.
In addition to the above, on Uno Re’s upcoming Cover portal users will also have the option to pay premiums in $UNO — where around 10–20% of these premium tokens will then be?burnt, thus reducing $UNO’s total supply, eventually tilting the demand and supply metrics to support higher valuations.
So there you have it!
We promised you, V2 would be different — a revolutionary concept that would transform the world of insurance.
We’d also like to take a moment to let you all know how incredibly happy the Uno Re team is after looking at the positive response we’ve received to the first V2 article.
We hope you’re quite pleased with what we’ve planned for the coming phase as well.
About Uno Re
Uno Re is the world’s first decentralised insurance and reinsurance platform, allowing the community to invest and trade in ‘risk’ and receive sizable returns on their investments in one of the safest asset classes in the world. The platform will break barriers to entry for the retail investor by doing away with the historic pre-requisite of absurdly high capital generally needed to invest into the market while also introducing much-needed transparency into the industry as a whole. Uno Re will also allow the community to propose innovative insurance products to the space, thus propelling a new generation of Insurtech companies powered by the Uno Re ecosystem.