DeFiXy Protocol (DFX)
What is DeFiXy Protocol?
DeFiXy Protocol is a decentralized money (DeFi) stage and a P2P commercial center for Crypto-Asset and other crypto items. The fundamental highlights that are offered incorporate a p2p commercial center where clients can exchange/deal crypto-resources, clients can likewise arrangement their own little booths and offer custom administrations to different clients.
The Problem
Most people can still remember the response Mark Cuban, a famous American entrepreneur gave when asked what it will take for cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) to be massively adopted. He said; “It’d have to be so easy to use, it’s a no-brainer. It’d have to be completely friction-free and understandable by everybody first.”
This addresses the complexity that comes with most (if not all) blockchain technologies. Just think about how complicated it was for you to buy your first cryptocurrency, how many platforms or apps you researched until you finally found the one app/platform that supported fiat to cryptocurrency conversion. If you are already using cryptocurrencies and other blockchain solutions, this is no longer an issue to you but think of the newcomers, who would like to use blockchain solutions or even have no other alternatives than to use blockchain solutions but have kept away because they do not understand the fundamentals.
As long as these individuals stay away, blockchain techs would not be massively adopted. Though not everyone will understand it as Mark Cuban suggested but it should be easy to use. Though it would not be absolutely friction-free as Mark Cuban also suggested but it should have less friction.
The Solution
As long as blockchain technologies remain complicated, mass adoption will not be reached. When more people have access to blockchain solution and find it easy to use, then the adoption rate will increase rapidly. This motivates the development of solutions that reduces both the complexity and friction that comes with the use of blockchain solutions. In this light, DeFiXy protocol presents a user-friendly Amazon-like p2p Marketplace. A decentralized marketplace that is built such that the complexity and friction encountered when carrying out Fiat to Crypto transactions is reduced. Our mission is to seamlessly connect Fiat-driven economies to the crypto space thereby, creating a platform where the inexperience can onboard with ease.
The features that DeFiXy Protocol offer include:
1. P2P Marketplace (exchange):
Where individuals can trade crypto-assets in a decentralized manner. The main feature of the P2P market-place are as follows:
● The ability of users to create trades or setup barter between any pair of whitelisted assets, even between assets that defer in blockchain and also between a whitelisted asset and any of the supported fiats.
● Individuals with staked assets can create mini-kiosk within the platform and offer customized products and services to other users. Such kiosk owners enjoy a share of the transaction fees accumulated on the platform among other benefits.
2. Dynamic Staking:
The staking feature offered by DeFiXy protocol provide users with different reward thresholds, these thresholds are functions of two variable, the lockup duration τ measured in days and the dynamic demand-supply ( δd δs (t)) factor of the asset staked. The protocol also offers lockup buyout. With this, an individual who initially staked his/her assets for a duration (say 30 days lockup) can unstake prematurely but the action incurs a lockup buyout fee.
3. DeFi services:
DeFiXy protocol offers DeFi services such as lending and borrowing. users can take out collateralized loans with competitive interest rates. The rates for borrowers and lenders are determined by the users collateral blend ratio (βr). Since the loans offered do not have maturity period, there are no late payments but the borrower can setup a periodic payment that are deducted automatically in any of the supported assets or fiats as specified by the borrower. Similarly, a lender can lend asset on a flex period lending mode or on a fixed period lending mode. With the latter offering a better interest rate.
4. Debit card integration:
After meeting the regulatory requirement of target regions, DeFiXy protocol will integrate card payment solutions which will allow users to directly spend crypto assets.
DeFiXy protocol will implement all the said features with the average individual with little to no blockchain understanding in mind. The platform will integrate user interface that are highly userfriendly. Individuals will be able to interact with the platform in a smooth and seamless manner, even those that are new to the space.
The Technology
● What to expect – The Technology
In this chapter, the technology presented by DeFiXy Protocol is covered. It is broken down to the individual features/services. The way each feature and service will interact with each other is also discussed. It should be noted that the features were not discussed in any particular order.
● Dynamic Staking
The staking services offered by DeFiXy Protocol adopts what we call a Proof of commitment (PoC) consensus. The staking rewards enjoyed by stakers varies (increases) such that stakers that are committed for longer periods enjoy higher staking rewards. The staking consensus is an integral part of our platform as it is the underlying mechanism on which other features work. The Dynamic staking matures in two stages, the alpha stage (α-stake) and the beta stage (β-stake).
1.What to expect – Tokenomics
In this chapter, DeFiXy Protocol’s tokenomics is presented. The distribution of the token and its value proposition is also covered
2. DeFiXy Protocol Token
DeFiXy protocol’s functionality is heavily dependent on its native token. As such, the token is a utility token.
Token details
● Token Name: DeFiXy
● Token Ticker: DFX
● Token Type: ERC20
● Decimals: 18
● Token Contract: 0x81bc8af0f2cbd17f97306cbe7bea5a5927a0646a
Token Distribution
● Token Sale s: 4 .0%
● α-stake Rewards: 2.0%
● β-stake Rewards: 50.0%
● Founde rs: 5.0%
● Advisory Board: 2.5%
● Marke ting Bountie s:: 2.5%
● De ve lope r Bountie s:: 7 .5%
● Exchange Listings:: 2.5%
● Foundation: 4 .0%
● Busine ss Partne rships: 20.0%
Allocation of Funds
● Team Expansion: 20.0%
● Protocol De ve lopment: 60.0%
● Exchange Listing: 13.3%
● Marketing/Adve rtising: 6.7 %
DeFiXy protocol offers DeFi administrations, for example, loaning and getting. clients can take out collateralized advances with serious loan costs. DeFiXy convention will execute all the said highlights with the normal individual in light of practically no blockchain understanding. The stage will incorporate UI that are profoundly userfriendly. People will have the option to interface with the stage in a smooth and consistent way, even those that are new to the space. To stay informed, please follow us on our social media pages listed below. Do not miss to join and make a profit!
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ETH Wallet Address: 0x17D977Dcc9D8bd5266524C8509EcA61d2B30E83E