The Definitive Hodge Podge of One Life - First Verse
You know, I've been around the block once or twice since Martha Jane Cox Hughes put me on this Earth.
It ain't my first rodeo.
What you're about to experience is a compilation of observations, experiences and assorted other other musings I've collected over time and kept in this pea brain of mine.
In absolutely no particular order.
Joined at times by my sometimes sidekick and mentor eJ (for el Jefe), I'll do this in pieces so as not to take too much of your time in any one sitting.
#1 - One Thing Leads to Another (The Fixx)
eJ: Yo brother man. Wanna spark one of these here handy dandy Diesel d.10th's with me? They're deliciouso.
Dood. You're a pal. Sure, as long as I can keep writing this thing.
eJ: You sure you can handle both Bub?
MDH: Well, not sure, but I'm guessing I can talk and chew gum at the same time.
eJ: Be my guest Little Man.
So, the past begets the present. And the present begets the future.
What's that hogwash about, you ask? Here's the hard truth. The collection of experiences of your past influence and formulate what you'll do, think and otherwise act upon today. Sounds simple enough, right?
What's a little more dicey is the proposition that what your experiences are today, how you behave around others today, what you heard today, what you learned today, govern what tomorrow and the day after and every other time in your future looks like.
Working backwards now, Your future will be your today when you get there and your today becomes your past.
So, don't dwell on your past please. Your past is simply a tool to get you where you are right now. Use your past wisely sil vous plais.
#2 - “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” (Albert Einstein)
This Einstein fellow had some kinda brain in that noggin of his, don't you think? From The Theory of Relativity to this gem. What a guy.
Some 25 years ago, i created a Change Management methodology around his expression. As a Consultant, I made ESBS. Ethically Simplified Business Solutions. Means I address Business problems as simply as makes sense. 'No' to new technologies if the right tools are already available, but unused, or misused. 'No' to the introduction of new processes if all that's really needed is tweaking the existing or making a change to organizational structure. Etc.
Lots of folks may want you to invest in new stuff. They want to make a buck after all, right?
No need if you've already got something that works fine, even if it takes a little touch-up. Know what I mean?
A word to the wise: Simple ain't no good if it doesn't adequately address the challenge you're working. Thus, the second part of Mr. Einstein 's quote.
As to the 'Ethically' part of ESBS? Well, I'll get to that going forward with this mess.
#3 - Work vs. Pleasure: What's the Diff?
For many folks, it's been said that it's wise to keep business and pleasure separate.
After decades of an evolving value set, I have reached the conclusion that there should be little to distinguish how you do your business opposed to how you do your non-business. This so particularly around human behavioral qualities. So if, for example, you think humility is a quality worth practicing away from work, why would you deny it in your business setting? You know, Life IS work...just in ways you might never have thought.
So, the work you do in a more formal setting, the work someone pays you to do, the work that wears you thin day in and day out, is purely and simply a subset of your life. Folks who try to be something different in front of a workplace audience from the way they are in a 'homeplace' are either smokin' crack or otherwise are living in another dimension. Not for me: could that be why I get feedback in my work As:
"Super nice man!" or "Lovely" or this favorite: "Best I've ever worked with. If you ever work with this guy, jump for joy, you're about to have an awesome work experience! Good to be around!"
Enough of money mongering, smash mouth, in your face, bully, mentality business practice. Be your true self, won't you?
eJ: Dood, you're working on a pretty severe runner there.
MDH: Brother Man, I'm finito, drained, 'til another day.
eJ: (reading) some of this stuff strikes a familiar chord?
MDH: Perceptive you are sir. You learned me most all of it, you know.
eJ: yeah, sure. I'm a Prince of a guy fo sho. Finish that d.10th right away. I got another surprise for you.