The Definitive Guide To Sales Part 4: How To Service Your Clients

The Definitive Guide To Sales Part 4: How To Service Your Clients

Whether you’re a salesman or a business owner the way you?service?your clients is what will make or break you. In sales I was always amazed at how many guys would kill themselves?to?bring on new clients only?to?give them mediocre?service.

It takes ten times more?work?to?get a client then?to?keep one so it only makes sense?to?give great?service. Since starting RLD I’ve been shocked at the atrocious?customer?service?of most guys who have online businesses. I’m not trying?to?call anyone out?because I realize most guys haven’t been through?a decade of sales training?so what might be obvious?to?me isn’t obvious?to?them. I just want?to?make sure you guys have all the tools?to?succeed.

In business, your client is your boss, you serve them, not the other way around.?Customer?service?is just that, servicing clients, putting their needs above yours, in exchange you get what you want. Pride has no place in being effective.

Being succesful in business is not about being an aloof alpha male it’s about adding value and serving your customers better than everyone else. The good news is, as a business owner, you always have the option?to?fire your clients.?When you’re an employee you can’t fire your boss or your clients. Another reason?to?start your own thing boys.

To?understand the level of?service?expected of you, you first need?to?understand the difference between a?customer?and a client. A product-based business revolves around a?customer?who makes small, low investment purchases of your products with less of focus on a personal relationship.

Servicing your customers properly is important but the level of?service?is not the same as with a client-based business. A good example of a?customer-based business is a blog. I sell my book?at a low price point and rarely have interactions with my customers unless they have questions on the material.

In a?service-based business, the client relationship is the?focal part?of the business. The client makes a larger, higher priced investment in you and the?service?you provide. In a?service-based business you get paid?to?service?your clients and your level of?service?is extremely important in?customer?retentions.

Being a freelance writer, graphic designer or programmer are examples of?service-based businesses. For those of you guys with your own businesses or who are looking?to?start your own businesses your level of?service?is extremely crucial. Your?service?is the cornerstone of your business. The focus of this article is on?service-based businesses. Here are the 8 key rules for servicing your clients:


1) Never Break Rapport

As we covered in part 3, breaking rapport is the biggest sin?in sales. A client can tell me the sky is black and my response is:

John, I understand what you’re saying and that’s definitely valid, with that said I think you’re a great fit for this product.

As long as their words don’t affect my revenue it doesn’t matter what they say. Your job is?to?serve and part of that?service?is?to?make them feel good, when they feel good they are happy with your?service.?This extends not just?to?your clients but?to?all your business communications. Arguing with guys on forums, in comments or anywhere else is horrible for your reputation.

Winners don’t have time?to?argue on the internet, with clients or with anyone in general, winners are too busy winning?to?get caught up in that sh*t. When you do need?to?contradict with someone there is a way?to?do that artfully, see rule number 2 below.

2) Know How?To?Give A Sh*t Sandwich

When a client says something you disagree with, most of the time you need?to?let that go and stick?to?the golden rule of not breaking rapport. However when their ideas threaten your revenue you need?to?know how?to?constructively reframe the situation, also known as a sh*t sandwich. This really should be done as sparingly as possible, everyone hates being contradicted and you want?to?piss off the people who sign your cheques as little as possible.

A sh*t sandwich, done properly is framed as good/bad/good with the sh*t or bad stuff in the middle.

“Great idea I love it, I just had an idea though, here’s another possibility ____ I think that could an awesome way to get your message across, what do you think?”

3) Be Competent

When you call your phone company and hear a voice on the end of the line stumbling over a simple greeting in English you know that call is going?to?be an ordeal. You’re already upset, if you had a choice you’d hang up the phone immediately and call a competitor.

Unfortunately you don’t and your phone company knows it. Your only choice is another provider with the same sh*tty?service?and a high friction, painful transition. Your phone company knows you’re not going?to?leave so they sh*t all over you by outsourcing their?customer?service?to?India. As a business owner you don’t have this luxury, chances are there are thousands of people doing what you’re doing.

Compare that?to?the rare occasion you accidentally get through?to?a fluent English speaker in your native country who is friendly and competent and it feels as if the gates of heaven open and shine their beautiful rays upon you. This is the effect you want?to?give every?customer?in your business. You want?to?surprise them with how effective and competent you are at handling their problems. The words?“will do”?and “absolutely”?should be burned into your sales vocabulary, it shows your clients they have a serious, effective agent who is working quickly?to?solve their problem.

Let’s say you’re a contractor for example. Your client is expecting a painful experience and bad?service. Your client is going?to?be worried about three things, one that your project won’t be finished on time, two that you’ll overcharge them and three that the work won’t be done properly.

Most contractors have a bad reputation and will underestimate the amount of time and cost of materials?to?get the sale. If you wanted?to?separate yourself you would incorporate a margin of safety into your project?to?make sure you finish everything on time and on budget. You would be polite, well dressed, knowledgeable and speak the language fluently.

If things are taking longer then planned then you work overtime?to?get things finished. From the minute you meet a potential client you show them your detailed knowledge of the product. You should be able?to?explain everything in perfect English as well as why your?service?best handles their problem. Now its gone from a potentially painful experience for the client?to?something their going?to?be excited about. In return, if you execute as promised not only will you get satisfied clients but you’ll also get referrals.

4) Manage Expectations

To?be ethical and have clients refer you?to?their friends, you not only need?to?be competent?but you need?to?manage their expectations.?In business your reputation means everything so make sure your clients always know exactly what they’re getting from you.

5) Respond Quickly

When I was in sales I would make sure?to?respond?to?every client email within an hour, many times within minutes or seconds. I can’t emphasize enough how important this is if you want?to?keep your clients happy. Since starting this site I’ve dealt with a number of guys who are self employed and have been shocked at the response times with some guys taking days or weeks?to?respond. 24 hours is the?maximum?time frame?to?respond?to?a client or a potential business partner/relationship.

6) Never Leave Your Client Hanging

Not only do you need?to?respond quickly but you need?to?respond?to?every communication your clients or potential clients send whether that’s just a simple?“excellent”?or?“will do”.?Never leave a client’s communication hanging. That means the last word should always be yours acknowledging whatever agreement you’ve made or conveying your enthusiasm for that agreement. For example you could have just agreed?to?a meeting with a client and they respond with:?“see you at 6”,?you should respond with something like:?“excellent, looking forward?to?it.”?Never leave your client hanging.

7) Give More Value Than Expected

Your client should not only be surprised with the level of?service?you provide but also with the level of value you give. In ad sales I was always trying?to?get my clients free ads, access?to?editorials, profiles for their company directors and anything that would add value?to?their overall experience.

Sometimes even a small gesture without asking for anything in return is enough?to?keep a client. With?my ebook I’ve offered unlimited consultations on any of the topics in the book for buyers because I want every?customer?to?be a lifetime?customer. I answer every email sent?to?me quickly and thoroughly because I want that reader?to?be a lifetime reader.

8) Build A Relationship

If you want?to?keep a client, it really helps when they like you. Many times their boss might want?to?switch providers but when you have a relationship they will still stay with you. All business is relationship based. Most industries offer similar companies with similar products so every edge you have?to?differentiate yourself helps. I can’t emphasize how important relationship building is. My entire site is based around myself and my relationship with my audience.


There you have it boys, everything I know about selling in 4 parts and 20,000 words. If you’ve made it this far, congratulations.?All life is sales, whether you like it or not so you might as well be great at it. So go forth, add value, solve problems, be ethical, build relationships, make money and remember the golden rule:



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