Definition of Wealth

Definition of Wealth

Candidly, if you ask a thousand different people to define wealth, success, and happiness; you will get 1000 completely different answers. Wealth is defined by the individual, you.

Some people set high goals, while others prefer to skate by with as little effort as possible. That is right, they prefer it, and it is their choice. How do you define wealth?

Do you define wealth (you are really defining yourself) on purpose, deliberately, or accidentally?

For most of us, it is a combination, a wonderful dance, with rhythms that we cannot control; like needing food, shelter, and sleep.

How well do you "dance" by your own definition?

People get messed up between cause and effect, between the power that the world has over them, and the power that they could have over the world.

Myself, I can tell you from personal experience that almost nobody can be completely fulfilled alone, we need each other in so many ways.

In my one of the many definitions, company is a very high priority, because it is clear to me that no amount of wealth makes up for loneliness. The more people I love, and who love me, the wealthier, and happier, and stronger I feel, no matter my finances.

My heading above was kind of a "red herring", because I cannot define wealth for you; only you can (and should) do that.

However, it would be my honor and my pleasure; my proverbial mission to help us get there. Israel 928-228-9228 Life, Accident, Health, and Business Insurance, Independent Agent

Israel 928-228-9228 Life, Accident, Health, and Business Insurance, Independent Agent


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