Definition Of Search Engine Optimization(SEO)- A user click gives you
Today, Seo(Search Engine Optimization) plays a very important role in all marketing and business applications. Previously SEO was defined as improving the visibility of website in search engine or improving your organic result in a better way in terms of visualization. However this is still important but today marketing trend of seo little bit alters due to sudden updates of google algorithm. As per my experience I am analyzing the things which changes due to customer behavior, their need and requirement.
Search Engine Optimization made by two main words. One is Search Engine which directly means your google, yahoo, bing etc and optimization means in a best way or in a better way. So we can say that Search Engine Optimization means that how your searches comes in a better or best way.
Let’s see a genuine example, when we have to search anything. We get the results in search engine and generally on the first page, we click on top 3 results in order to get quick results of our required query. It is so because those results have been viewed more by users and they are relevant for answering their query. Now the clicks on those result is noting but a link which is called a website which can be of any type like blog, video, site, forum etc. Now those site is given by search engine by some parameters which is present on it. That parameter is your title and description which is analysed by search engine with their guidelines. Now moves further, that title is your keyword. That’s why, we mainly focus on keywords, description and other important parameters which is necessary for search engine when doing for seo.
Here the general definition of seo comes in such a way. Seo is the technique of getting clicks or viewing of sites in search engine by user in order to get the answer of their required query and search engine provides them result in a frequent, effective and through its processed parameters( search engine guideline) is called Search Engine Optimization(Seo).
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