Definition Of Done
Purav Thakkar
CEO at ACID Technologies and Innvonix Tech Solutions | Cyber Intelligence | IT Services | Software Development
Are you using Agile – Scrum model in Software Development? Do you know or follow Definition of Done? if not following here is some brief about DoD.
Definition of done is crucial to a extremely functioning scrum team. the subsequent are characteristics that you just ought to seek for in your team’s definition of done. corroboratory that your team’s DoD meets these criteria can make sure that you're delivering functionalities that are actually done, not solely in terms of practicality however in terms of quality further
Where it all begins
As “almost done” is not done at all, poor quality of software or undone User stories, in the end of sprint is not something which scrum team should be blamed of.
Assuming that User stories are defined well by Product Owner, but recipe to combine the different element in scrum are not defined .Well, assuming that there are no emphasis on testing, coding standard, integration testing, UX review, documentation, unit testing etc in scrum, so team will not take under consideration those very important task, when estimating their work, which resulting in poor sprint deliverables.
Definition of done is the recipe for improving quality, all functional requirement is defined in User stories, but the things which bring quality and disciplines is come from DoD.
This is the major activity which judge the quality of your SW and all your reporting for Scrum demo should be based upon
Definition of Done
Why it is important to follow?
Most perfect and well planned sprint can be ended up like this, if Definition of Done is not to be considered seriously.
Definition of Done Checklist
The main goal of Product Owner (PO) is to define and provide the clear checklist to which all the User stories are judge against. So when developer think of estimating task (s)he should estimate considering those activities in DoD checklist, PO need to make it very clear that end of sprint whatever line of code is written will be shippable as a real application to real user.
Main activities in definition of done
Definition of Done is a simple list of activities
- writing code,
- Well written code
- Peer code review
- Coding standards
- Unit testing
2. coding comments,
3. Testing
- Smoke testing
- Integration testing
- Release testing
- Regression testing
- Documentation
- Release notes
- Design documents
4. Bugs
- Ideally no critical, major or minor issues.
- All known should be reported in issue management tool.
5. release notes,
6. design documents, etc
Scrum asks that teams deliver “potentially shippable software” at the end of every sprint. To me, potentially shippable software is a feature(s) that can be released, with limited notice, to end users at the product owner’s discretion. Products that can be released to end users with two days can be reasonably said to be in potentially shippable state. Ideally, potentially shippable is equivalent to the Definition of Done.
A key principle of agile software development is "done means DONE"
Features developed within an iteration (Sprint in Scrum), should be 100% complete by the end of the Sprint.
Too often in software development, “done” doesn’t really mean “DONE!”. It doesn’t mean tested. It doesn’t necessarily mean styled. And it certainly doesn’t usually mean accepted by the product owner. It just means developed.
So, in agile development, make sure that each feature is fully developed, tested, styled, and accepted by the product owner before counting it as “DONE!”. And if there’s any doubt about what activities should or shouldn’t be completed within the Sprint for each feature,
“DONE!” should mean shippable product.
The feature may rely on other features being completed before the product could really be shipped. But the feature on its own merit should be shippable. So if you’re ever unsure if a feature is ‘done enough’, ask one simple question: “Is this feature ready to be shipped?”.
It’s also important to really complete each feature before moving on to the next…
Of course multiple features can be developed in parallel in a team situation. But within the work of each developer, do not move on to a new feature until the last one is shippable. This is important to ensure the overall product is in a shippable state at the end of the Sprint, not in a state where multiple features are 90% complete or untested, as is more usual in traditional development projects.
In agile development, “done” really should mean “DONE!“.
Definition of Done default criteria list. You are free to modify the list and it should persist for your next sprints.
- All Acceptance Criteria of the user story are met.
- Code meets general Coding Standards.
- Code is committed in version control system.
- Functional tests are performed.
- Code review is conducted
- The code is covered by a minimum of 70% Unit Tests.
- Integration tests of the affected areas are conducted and passed
- All Unit Tests, Automated Acceptance tests have passed successfully.
- Regression testing has been performed.
- No Critical or Blocker bug exists in the bug backlog.
- All documentation of technical and business nature has been approved and reviewed.