Definition of Demotion
Dr. Gajanan Shirke
★#1 Author of 64 Bestselling Books★ Hotel Revamping Consultant★ Educational Consultant ★Trainer ★Educator ★comprehensive staff training organizer ★ Been named 100 influential Indian by Fox Story India★
Demotions are usually considered negative employment actions similar to a termination or being rejected for a promotion opportunity, there may be risks associated with questions of fairness, consistency with organizational policy andeven discrimination. Therefore, ensuring that company discipline and performance management processes are followed will be critical.
Another risk is retaining an employee who may now have a negative attitude toward the employer and to his or her demoted role. A negative attitude can spread quickly to or harmfully affect other employees. Therefore, managers should monitor the transition and quickly respond to any negativity being spread by the employee.
A demotion is a reduction in rank, often accompanied by lower pay andstatus. There are many situations in which demotion might occur; any kindof rank system like a police department or military, for example, usesdemotions as a disciplinary tool, while some employees are at risk due toreorganization or substandard work.
Most people view a demotion as a punishment since it implies that theywere incapable of performing at a higher rank. It is opposite to promotion,an elevation in rank or status.
A demotion refers to a permanent reassignment to a lower position than the employee had worked previously. The position will generally have a lower level of responsibility or required skill, and a lower paygrade than the previous position.
Demotions can be either voluntary or involuntary and can occur due to poor employee performance, position elimination, disciplinary actions or organizational restructuring. A demotion can allow a company to retain an employee it deems valuable by returning him or her to the previous position.
Employee demotion is the reverse of?employee promotion. It is the act of downgrading an individual's rank and status as a result of?disciplinary action. This can be because of an employee's work, behavior, violation of rules, etc.
Demotion is one of the most dreadful situations an employee can suffer. It harms?employee motivation, morale, and peace of mind. What's even worse is that there are countless reasons why a worker might face this dilemma. This brings us to our next matter.
Of the many causes for demotion of an employee, the most common of these are:
? Lack of workplace discipline
? Inadequate knowledge of the assigned work/designation
? Organizational Restructuring
? Declining performance
? Violation of company rules
? Improper?work ethics These are common examples of the situations in which an employee can be under demotion
1. Voluntary Demotion.
2. Involuntary Demotion.
Voluntary Demotion
A permanent employee may request a voluntary demotion to a vacant position in a class with a lower salary rate, provided that the employee has previously achieved permanent status in that class or, the request for demotion is to a related class in the same job series as defined by the Personnel Commission. Involuntary Demotion
An involuntary demotion is a disciplinary action and, as such, is subject to the disciplinary procedures in these Rules and Regulations.
ADVANTAGES Frances Burks has pointed out the benefits of demotion, which are listed below:
? Common benefit employers seek with demotions is getting an employee to quit as opposed to firing him. Some managers use this tactic to avoid the conflict of telling someone he is fired.
? Another financial benefit of demoting employees is a salary reduction. Typically, a demotion means the employee works in a lower-paying position. This can save the company a substantial amount.
? One of the more positive benefits of employee demotions is developing the employee through more training and coaching. Sometimes, employees take a position they are not adequately prepared to handle.
? A demotion could be the best option for keeping an employee with potential but needs more training and experience.
? Sometimes a company’s structure change and demotions are necessary because departments are phased out, and fewer high-level positions are needed. Such changes can be an opportunity for improvement for all involved as people assume new responsibilities to take the company in a different direction.
In the current day and age, demotion is quite normal. Considering certain reasons, the demotion of an employee is justified in most cases as well.Nonetheless, it is an act of repercussion that can shatter one's confidence level. Therefore, you must be sure of your decision.For instance, a demotion may not work if you demote an employee solely based on the work. However, proper?employee training and development?will solve this performace issue much better.If you are demoting an employee to cut costs or encourage?favouritism in the workplace, that won't work either. It will only result in?employee turnover. So, you must be sure in such cases of your decision.