The wisdom of the fathers
? religious teaching and experience, are of the utmost importance. It is to be feared the day of reckoning will disclose the solemn fact, that millions failed to be pure in heart, because of the vague and indefinite teachings of those who were over them in the Lord. Multiplied thousands are battling year after year with their inbred corruptions; who, if they had been properly instructed and guided, would long since have been washed in the blood of Christ, and now living in established holiness.
Where will the severest responsibility rest for the mixed moral state of vast numbers of partially purified believers in the Church of God; but upon the equivocal, indefinite, and but partially sanctified teachers who like Caleb and Joshua, should be the leaders of the people out of their wilderness state into the goodly land of their spiritual Canaan?
Ancient Israel entered not in because of unbelief, and the disbelieving, distrustful spies ministered to it, and God smote them dead on the spot. What blessed results would be witnessed, if like Caleb and Joshua, every Christian minister would go into the good land himself, and courageously and faithfully say,—"We are well able to go up and possess the good land," and thus lead the dear people of God into the fountain of cleansing !
A congregation will usually follow its leader, whether to the heights of spiritual enjoyment, or into the depths of formalism. Great reformations, and great defections have usually come by the ministry. It is sad to contemplate the responsibility of those who give the Gospel trump an uncertain sound; and by vague generalities, make the whole subject of Christian purity fearfully indefinite.?
(by J.A. Wood)