Defining Your Values
Grant Herbert
Empowering today's great professional services technicians to become exceptional leaders | Executive Coach | Team Coach | Leadership Trainer and Mentor | Inspirational Keynote Speaker | Mental Health Advocate
Do you feel congruent with your values or is there a conflict in one or more areas of your life?
Hi, this is Grant Herbert, International Influencer and Sustainable Performance Coach, and today, I want to continue our conversation around purpose by talking about your values.
So last week, we talked about 3 elements in purpose, in being able to live with intention. We talked about your mission, your overall reason for being and for doing. We talked about your vision, what you can see in the future, and we talked about your values, what it is that underpins everything that you do.
And today, I want to talk about those values. I want to give you an opportunity to come with me on a journey to redefine your values, to get back in line with your values. We talked about our vision that is underpinned by our values. Having those in alignment give us congruency.
Your values are the motive behind every purposeful action. They drive you, they motivate you, they align you, they check you, they confuse you when they’re not congruent.
So when we talk about our values, values can either be ideal or actual. So, ideal values are those that are set by cultural norms, by our religious beliefs, by what other people, what the world says are values that we should live by.
Grant Herbert describes himself as an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and 5 amazing kids, who has a passion to help people escape the performance trap and regain their authenticity in every area of life. He is an international influencer, sustainable performance coach, the founder of People Builders and the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence Asia Pacific. Visit to find out how you can connect.