Defining Your Symbols of Happiness
Because you're the only one who has the power to create your feelings, you should know that happiness is one of your superpowers!
Before you can find happiness, you have to determine what happiness means to you.
Happiness isn't a "thing" it's a feeling. Happiness is a State of Being so it's important for you to remember that circumstances don't matter, state of being matters!
When you define your feelings as a choice instead of a circumstance, it gets easier to create happiness as your state of being!
Every day we use symbols like emojis for mental shortcuts of thought; they're a quick way to instruct your brain to something you desire in the moment.
When determining what happiness means to you, it's often helpful to first determine what causes you to feel "unhappy" because for most of us, our brains are wired for negative thoughts. When you know what makes you unhappy, you can see happiness as a choice. (Example: being rich makes me happy/experiencing lack makes me unhappy. Being healthy makes me happy/experiencing lack of mental and physical wellbeing makes me unhappy. Loving my job makes me happy/things about my job make me unhappy... etc.). Remember, choose your thoughts based on your state of being, not your circumstances.
You can't have a feeling without a definition for that feeling. If something is causing you to feel unhappy, you are giving the experience or circumstance a definition. All definitions are derived from your beliefs and a belief is merely a thought you think over and over again until it becomes a habit of thought associated with an emotion.
The root cause of every belief is based on something your child-self was taught, intuited or experienced. If your child-self gave a definition to a feeling you had during an experience, it's likely that your adult-self is still holding onto that feeling as a definition for what you experienced. This cause and effect will continue as a pattern until you're able to separate the the feeling from the experience and master the belief you created about that experience.
Defining your symbols of happiness can create a mental experience to be used as an expansion of how you feel! Your ability to expand your happiness from any mental picture or symbol determines how happy you'll allow yourself to be!
What are your symbols of happiness? When you close your eyes, what mental pictures create a happy "State of Being" for you? What are your symbols for personal and professional happiness? Think of your pet, a child's smile, a beautiful sunset, the surf of the ocean, your favorite activity, meeting a new client for the first time, creating a new product or service, the list is endless. All of these symbols are created in the mind before they can be experienced.
A symbol can be mental or physical. You could place a colorful rock on your desk so that every time you look at it, you feel happy. Think of all the certificates, pictures, awards, and testimonials about your personal or professional accomplishments. These are all symbols and they each hold a State of Being when you think of them or look at them.
Whatever feelings these symbols represent for you, you are the only one who has the power to feel your feelings so it's imperative that you expand from your state of being rather than your circumstances.
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Whatever's Causing Unhappiness For You, Let's End It Together
10 个月Join us weekly at The Dojo, as we are defining and creating the happiness we desire. Learn more: